Chapter 6

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Jackie's POV
A month has passed since the guys have gone on tour and I have spent a lot of time at Cath's house. Whether it was because she felt sad or maybe I felt lonely, we always brought out the bottle of wine. Of course we never got too drunk.

Today I decided to drink my feelings by myself. Just thinking about everything. Without thinking I picked up the phone and instinctively dialed CC's number.

"Hello?" It was about 1 am here in LA and I knew it was about 3 or 4 where he was.


"Hey babe. What's up? Its 4 am."

"I don't know. I just needed to hear your voice."

There was a long pause.

"Hey, CC?"


"Why is life so unfair?" I laid down on the couch resting my feet up on the arm of the sofa.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we have been married for what? More than a year? And we try and try and try for a baby, even if the doctors say there's a very minimal chance of me being able to ever be a mom, because we have hope and nothing. Nothing! Nothing. Yet Andy and Cath have been married for like 3 months and have two kids!"

"Jackie... Look at everything that Cath and Andy have gone through. Cath tried to kill herself, Andy had to leave her, she lost a baby, he had no idea he was a dad for like 6 years, they deserve some happiness now. Besides, trying so hard for a baby is fun."

I could hear the smirk on his face. "Touché."

"Are you drunk?"


"Jackie... Go to sleep. I'll try to Skype tomorrow."


"I love you."

"Love you too."

Cath's POV
"I don't think I'll ever get used to the nightshift. Ughh." I took another sip of my coffee and spun the chair around so I was facing Cristina.

"Oh my god, how did you get rid of this?! I mean I knew it was kind of a big deal when it happened or whatever, but I never knew what you had to work with! These XRays are terrible!" She looked through the Xrays that belonged to the "football tumor" patient. We were looking through patient charts and putting all the information in the computers because they were soon gonna upgrade a bunch of stuff like charts into tablets and other technology.

"I did it because I'm a genius!"

"Oh man! I want a case like this!" Cristina looked through more information on that patient.

"Reading about Mrs. Stevenson I see." Dr. Webber approached the desk we were at. "Pretty impressive Dr. Reed. By the way, I know I'm late but congratulations on the wedding! And the baby in case I forgot to congratulate you about that too."

"Thank you Dr. Webber."

"Can I see you in my office for a minute?"

I was a little confused as to why the chief of surgery would want to talk to me but I didn't object.

I followed him to his office then shut the door behind me and sat down on a chair across from him.

"So I know there wasn't a lot off press and stuff back then but there is a lot of commotion right now about the doctor that used a 3D printer to know how to get rid of an almost impossible-to-remove tumor." Dr. Webber said.

My eyes grew wide with surprise. "Really?"

"Yes. And I know right now is probably a bad time, you know with the new baby, but there is an internship opportunity open for you that specializes in "impossible to remove" tumors. Which means you would do research and practice to remove tumors that other doctors would diagnose as terminal. If you're interested... Its all yours."

"Oh my god... Of course I'm interested!" This was an opportunity to expand my educational horizon, of course I wanted to take it. The thing about being a doctor is you're always learning something new, and always yearning to challenge yourself. And that's what I love to do. That's what I live to do.

"This internship is in Germany... Are you sure?"

Germany? Wow. "I'll take it!"


"What do you mean you took the job?!" I told Andy the new news expecting him to support me, but things went a different direction.

"I mean; I'm going to Germany for 3 months to learn as much as I can about this research."

"You can't just make decisions like that without me!" He yelled through the computer screen.

"But I don't have to ask for your permission... Its my job. I never make decisions about your tour dates or concerts. Why should I ask you before making a decision about this?"

Andy ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "What about the kids?"

"Well I'm taking them with me of course."

He laughed. "You're taking our kids with you to Germany?!"

"I don't see what other options we have!"

"Oh here's another option, You don't go."

I had had enough. I stayed quiet for a couple of seconds then sighed. "I'm going. And you can't change my mind. This is a new opportunity for me. Its a once in a life time thing. Its only for 3 months."

"When would you be leaving?" He asked.

"In a week. All expenses are paid for by the lab. Like I said its a once in a life time opportunity. They want me to work for them for a bit and I want to learn the information they have to offer."

"A week?! How can you drop a bomb like this and tell me you're leaving in a week?!"

"I just found out yesterday! And if I remember correctly, you told me you were leaving for your first tour what was it... Also a week before leaving. So why can't I tell you I'm going to leave for my work in a week?"

"Don't you bring that up again!" Andy was almost crying now too, hitting stuff, slamming his fists on the table or the wall.

"Mommy?" Beth walked into the room in her pajamas and her stuffed bunny in her hand.

"Go to sleep baby." I said wiping away my tears.

"I can't sleep. You're making too much noise."

"I'm sorry. Here, I'll tuck you in. Let's go." I stood up and Beth left the room.

"We'll talk later." Andy said.

"There's nothing to talk about."

Should Cath stay? Or should she go? I mean, Andy is living his dream and traveling the world why can't Cath?

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