Chapter 7

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Cath's POV
"Dude, he needs to suck it up. You support him 100% in his career." Cristina said. We were taking our lunch break which pretty much meant a donut and coffee.

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm gonna go and he just has to deal with it." I said taking a bite off my donut.

"You know what, you're right." Alex came and sat down with us. "But don't you think its hard for the guy to leave you too? I mean it must be hard for him to leave his family for... What?... 6 months? And you're asking him to come home to an empty house because you're going to Germany."

"Shut up Karev." Cristina said.

"I'm just saying this from a guys point of view!"

"This is an opportunity most doctors only dream of! She can't just not take it."

"Cristina's right. Plus I leave tomorrow. The board members from the lab in Germany won't be happy if I cancel now." I said.

"So?" This seemed like the easiest thing to Dr. Karev.

"So, Alex, she's not gonna cancel." Cristina said.

"Okay. Whatever. But you're not only a doctor or a mom, you're a wife too. Look at this from a personal perspective, not like a doctor." Alex got up and took what was left of my donut with him.


"Nope. Don't say it."

"But Alex is right." I sighed.

"Andy doesn't stay here and leave tour for you. Why should you stay here and leave this amazing opportunity for him?"


I was entering the airport. I had Jayden in my arms and Beth by my side. I couldn't stop thinking about what Alex had said.

"Mommy, what are you thinking about?" Beth snapped me out of my thoughts.

Alex is right. I can't take another 3 months away from Andy. I already miss him so much, him coming home to an empty house seems awful."I don't think we're taking this trip honey. We should probably go." I grabbed our bags and headed outside, Beth following beside me with her backpack on her back.

I managed to get a taxi and went home.

As soon as I got home I put the kids to sleep. When I knew they were sound asleep I went to my room, took out my phone and dialed Andy's number.

I expected him to be asleep since it was 1am so it didn't surprise me when it took more than a couple of rings until he answered.

"Hello?" A voice said laughing. I froze for a bit, not expecting a woman to answer Andy's phone.

"Um... Yea, this is Andy's phone, right?"

"Yea it is."

"Can I speak with him?" I asked.

"Who's this?"

"His wife."

There was a long pause but I knew there was someone at the other end of the line.

"Hello?" I asked.



Then she hung up. Without saying a word. A woman...answered Andy's phone. And then hung up when I said I was his wife. A woman... Answered Andy's phone. I couldn't recognize the voice, though it sounded familiar.

Thoughts were making my head spin. Who was this mystery woman and why was she answering Andy's phone? Why did she get so upset when I said I was his wife? I managed to fall asleep after a while of thinking.

*the next day at work*

"Okay Mr. Diamond, this should help with the pain. I will be back with your test results later." I finished giving him a doze of morphine, closed the curtain to separate him from the other E.R. patients, and walked away.

"What. The. Hell are you doing here?!" Cristina asked.

I sighed. "I couldn't leave, Cristina. Alex was right. Andy's job requires him to travel. Mine doesn't. I can stay here and make money to feed my family but he can't. His work is on the road, my work is here. In one place."

"You are sooo stupid! Don't ditch this opportunity for a guy!" She said.

"But he's not just a guy. He's my husband. Cristina, please try to understand."

"Fine. But even if I was married, an opportunity like that can't be wasted. I would've gone."

"Which is exactly why, when I talked to the doctors in Germany, I mentioned you." I smiled and Cristina looked at me wide eyed.

"You did what?!"

"I told them you had carefully studied the case and you had just as much, if not more, potential than me. And you were unattached and interested. I think I sold it with the last part."

She smiled at me but couldn't get any words out of her mouth. "Oh my... Cath..why--how?! Me??"

"Yes you. Now, I know its short notice but you leave in 3 days if you're interested. Its the only available flight for the next 10 days." I said. I didn't mention what had happened last night, I didn't want her to try to convince me to go.

"Of course I'm interested!!" She yelled and people turned around to look at us. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you so much Cath!"

"My pleasure." I gave her a warm smile and a hug.

"Wait... What?!"

Jackie and I were again hanging out, drinking a hit of wine and talking. I had just told her about the phone call.

"I don't know who it was but it was a woman and she wasn't happy to know I was his wife." I took another sip of wine.

"There must be another explanation for this though." She said.

"If this doesn't read 'his mistress accidentally answered the phone then hung up because my husband is cheating on me with her' all over the place then I don't know what does."

"Okay... It does kind of seem bad. You know what... I bet it was Juliet."

Juliet. Of course! That's why I recognized her voice! How could I not know this before?! "Jeez Jackie, you're such a good friend making me feel better about all this!" I said sarcastically.

"Sorry." She looked down at her watch. "I think I should go. I've got work tomorrow and I can't be late to court!"

It was pretty late so I didn't object. "Okay. I'll see you soon." I stood up and hugged her.

"Hey, don't stress about it. I'm sure its nothing and we've got this all mixed up."

I smiled. "Thanks." Then she walked out the door. I sat on the couch and finished the rest if the bottle by myself through out the night not getting much sleep.
"Andrea, where are you going with this?"

I have nooooooo idea.

if you guys would like to create edits or music playlists or ships/ship names about this book I would love to see/hear them so you can message me here or on any social media! (Most of you will probably not do anything but I thought I would put it out there)

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