Chapter 19

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Cath's POV
"I want chocolate. Or Chinese food. Or both."

Dean chuckled and lightly traced circles on my very pregnant stomach. "Well, I'm down for both of those."

I turned the volume of the TV down. "Can you go get both?" I asked sitting up from our position on the couch. "Please?"

He leaned in and kissed my nose. "Of course." he smiled then leaned down and kissed my stomach. "Anything for the little ones."
*end of flashback*

"Can uh, would you guys give us a minute?" I asked. Everyone except for Andy nodded and headed for the door. Hesitantly Andy walked out of the room holding Beth's hand, making sure to send a dirty look Dean's way.

Dean awkwardly walked a bit into the room but not completely. He leaned against the door frame and weakly smiled, looking as if he was about to cry. But I knew Dean. He wouldn't let a soul see he had emotions, for him that would be a disaster. Its was if he thinks it would indicate weakness. "I'm so glad you're okay.."


"Oh, sorry" looking at the ground I squatted down to pick up my college books not bothering to look at who I had just ran into.

The guy helped me pick up my stuff and handed it back to me. "No no. It was my fault. I'm sorry." I stared into his emerald green eyes and he stared back. He had sharp features, a perfect nose, sharp jawline, soft green eyes. His hair was short and brown. Then his eyes shifted down to my 4 month growing belly and his smile disappeared.

I sighed and turned my head ready to walk away. It seemed like all people noticed about me was my stomach and the fact that I was pregnant at such a young age.

I started walking but was stopped my the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. I turned and found the green eyed guy.

"I'm Dean."

*end of flashback*

"Dean, what are you doing here."

"Working." He stated.

"You know what I mean."

He looked at the ground and approached the bed. "I needed to see you. I needed to make sure you were okay."

I sighed. "Dean--"

"I know. I know what you're going to say. The cliché ex's line. 'I've moved on. You can't be here'. But I want to be here. I need to be here. Not only for you but for me. I was dying without seeing you. The past four years have been hell. And when I found out you were in a coma... I don't know." he awkwardly chuckled, choking back tears.

"Please don't do this to yourself... I don't want to watch this. I can't. Dean, I'm married now. And as much as I will always care about you, what you are wishing for... it's not going to happen." I said, a tear escaping my eye.

Dean caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes. He kissed my forehead and sighed. "I know."

After a long moment of silence Dean spoke up. "Congratulations on the new baby."

"Thanks." I replied and the silence began again.

Andy walked in the room. "I think its time you leave." he told Dean.


"Why?" Dean said knowing this would just make Andy angrier.

"Because I said so."

"Well there's no real reason I should leave. Plus I am Cath's doctor now and I haven't done a check up."

Andy took a few step towards Dean, fists so tight his knuckles were white. "Leave. Now."



"Make me." Dean smirked.

God these men are worse than children.

"Hey guys stop, don't do anything you-" I was interrupted by Andy's fist colliding with Dean's face. "No!"

Dean fought back and fists were being thrown I caught a glimpse of their faces and saw that Andy had a busted lip and a red mark around his eye/ on his eyebrow which I was sure will slowly turn a deep purple later on.

Dean's nose was bleeding and his cheek had a forming bruise. I kept yelling, pleading them to stop but they didn't listen. I decided I had no choice but to stop them and I threw the bed sheet off of myself.

My legs felt weak but I ignored it. "STOP IT!" I gently hopped off the bed and as soon as my feet touched the cold hard ground my head started spinning. Everything slowly turned black and my legs gave up. Last thing I remember was feeling my cheek against the cold tiled floor.

Life update: today i accidenty slammed my finger with the car door ....

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