Chapter 25

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This chapter took me the looonnggeessstt timee to come up with...

Cath's POV
"Cath? Cath wake up"

"Huh? What I'm awake, I'm awake."

Andy hovered over me, a huge smile on his face.

"Why are you changed, its like 6:30 am?"

"I have a surprise for you." He took my hand and led me downstairs. As I walked down the stairs I gathered my hair into a quick bun. Groggly I rubbed my eyes and adjusted to the kitchen lights.

"SURprISEe!!" Beth and Andy yelled.

The table was covered in food, from pancakes (which Im pretty sure are undercooked) to fruit and whipped cream.

I smiled and crossed my arms over my chest "Whats all this?"

"We thought we should make you breakfast for a change. Well, breakfast for all of us." Andy explained.

"This is a lot of food for 3 people."

"Well yea.. That's why we invited--" before he could finish his sentence the doorbell rang.

I walked over and opened the door, finding Ashley and Jake standing with 2 boxes of store bought cookies in their hands.

Ashley whistled and smiled, "Damn, is this what you wake up to every morning?" he asked Andy.

Suddenly, I became conscious of my lack of clothes. "Maybe I should go put some pants on." I said looking down at Andy's t-shirt and my bare legs.

"No, no, no. I wouldn't dream of it." Ashley said, getting an elbow to the ribs from Jake.

"Yea maybe you should." Andy said.

I chuckled and walked to my room to change.

Once I changed, brushed my hair and applied a quick coat of mascara, I went downstairs and found more people at the table than when I left. Jackie and Cc, Jinxx.

I sat down next to Andy and grabbed a plate, joining everyone else that was eating. "So, whats the occasion?" I asked, taking a bite off a strawberry.

"Well, we have some good news." CC said, looking at the other band mates.

It was silent for a moment, Jackie and I anticipating an answer and the guys quitely trying to decide who was going to spill the beans.

"We... got an amazing offer..." Jake started.

"We um..." Andy hesitantly started. "We got asked to tour with A Day To Remember."

I dropped my fork and my mouth fell open. "Wha-wha-who?"

"A Day To Remember." Jinxx repeated.

"No. freaking. way. ArE YOU GUYS SERIOUS?!" I freaked out

"THAT'S AMAZING!" Jackie yelled.

"Dude you've GOT to get us to meet the band!" I grabbed Andy's arm.

"Are you serious? You guys aren't mad?" Andy asked.

I looked at Jackie and back at Andy. "No. I mean, as in any other tour, sad because Im going to miss you guys but I'm so happy for you!"

Andy smiled and put a hand on the back of my neck. He pulled me in and kissed me. "Thank you."

I smiled back and then cleared my throat. "Well I think we need to celebrate. I'm gonna run to the store and get something for dinner, all of you are staying over I don't care what you say you have no choice."


"How much booze do you think we should buy?" Jackie rested her head on the headrest of the passengers seat.

"I don't know. Not a lot because I have work tomorrow." I joked.

Once we got to the store we split up to "cover more ground". Jackie would get the beer and I was going to grab things to make personalized pizzas because I'm that stereotypical arts and crafts mom.

Carefully examining everything and anything that could possibly be put on a pizza, I wasn't exactly paying attention to where I was walking or the obsticles infront of me. Suddenly I crashed into something hard, and I was sure i was going to have to pay for something i probably broke. To my pleasant surprise, it was a guy. A tall guy. Around 6 feet tall, light brown hair formed into a small quiff in the front, warm brown eyes, full eyebrows, and a muscular frame. Even though he was wearing a long sleeve shirt the muscles under it could clearly be seen.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I'm so clumbsy!" I kneeled down to pick up a box he had dropped

"No, hey, its okay it was my fault. I'm sorry." His voice somehow instantly calmed me, it wasn't too deep but it wasnt high either. It felt warm and my insides felt like jello, like I was a teenager at a Justin Beiber concert.

"O-okay." God, pull yourself together Cath!

After an awkward 5 seconds of me admiring him he spoke up, "I like your shirt. You listen to them?"

I looked down at my BVB shirt, momentarily forgetting what band shirt I was wearing. "No I just bought it because i thought the lead singer was hot." I said sarcastically.

The mystery guy chuckled. "Sorry, you just don't strike me as that type of girl."

"Really? I think the tattoos and piercings give that away though", I joked.

"No I think it might be the black eyeshadow... And the black everything else." he said sarcastically.

I smiled and he smiled back.

"Anyway, um... Yea they're a good band."

"..yea.." I said, completely unaware of what he just said, too busy staring at his eyes. "I mean- yea they are. I know them actually."

"You do?"

"Yea my uh, my husband is the lead singer." I raised my left hand to show the ring placed on my finger. I swear to God I saw a glimpse of disappointment cross the guys face. "I can um.. I can introduce you to them. I'm actually heading back to my house to celebrate their new tour."

"Really? That would be amazing!"

"Hey, Cath. You ready?" Jackie called from the end of the isle.

"Yea. Yea Im going." I yelled back. "So do you want to come by?"


We both smiled and started walking toward the check outs.

"Oh, I'm Mat by the way."
Soooooo feedback? Idk where im going with this... Suggestions? Lol well here's this chapter for those begging me to update.

On another note, Please stay just hit 20k+ reads and honetly I can't believe it because I still remeber when it had only 10 reads, Thank you guys so much, I havent really payed attention to the reads before but thats amazing. Wow thank you so muck I love you all ❤

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