Chapter 18

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Andy's POV

CC and I looked at Jackie with a confused expression.

"You two know each other?" I asked.

"Um, yea. He's Cath's..."

"Cath's ex boyfriend I know." I said.

Dean cleared his throat. "Well I would love to chat and take a trip back to memory lane but I have the test results. There's an aneurysm in Cath's right side of her brain. There must've been a clot or seizure durning or after the accident. The balloon of blood is pushing against the brain causing more clots which then result in loss in eyesight and paralysis. Now, I can remove it. I'm the best you're neurosurgeon gonna get." I rolled my eyes, "There will obviously be risks like in any surgery possible para--"

I didn't even have to think about it. "Where do I sign?"

They had taken Cath into surgery about an hour ago. They said it would take a while but CC, Jackie and I decided to stay. I had Jayden, who fell asleep on my chest, and Jackie was building with Beth some puzzles they had in the waiting room.

Cath might not be able to see our children growing up. She won't be able to do Beth's hair and make up for dances or pic out Jayden's outfit for picture days.

A while later a doctor approached us.

"Catherine Reed's family?"

We all stood up.

"The surgery is going well but there's still a long way to go. She's holding on, she's a fighter." She flashed a small smile to make us feel better and retreated.

The next couple of hours consisted of constant pacing back and forth and many thoughts bouncing around my head.

Cath's POV
I woke up to bright white blinding lights and people around me. Multiple voices are speaking at the same time and I can't comprehend what any of them are saying.

My head is pounding and my hands start getting sweaty. With every word, every sound I hear, the pounding gets louder and worse.

It got to the point where I couldn't take it. My eyes closed and my hands flew up to the side of my head, squeezing as hard as I could, hoping somehow that would stop the pain. "SHUT UP!"

The words came out of my mouth involuntarily and very loud. The pounding continued but started to slowly die down. I finally opened my eyes and saw the guys, Jackie, and the kids around the bed. Silence filled the room.

Everyone had a surprised look on their face and a smile grew on Andy's face. "Babe?"

I looked at him. "Yea?"

He stared into my eyes and I stared back. After a while it started getting weird and I looked away.

Andy grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine. He pulled away and kissed my forehead. "You can see! You can move!! Oh my god!"

He pulled me into an embrace and everyone else joined.

"I'm so glad you're okay. These kids are a handful!" Jackie laughed.

I chuckled and ruffled Beth's hair "Tell me about it!"

She climbed onto the gurney and laid next to me. "I missed you so much mommy."

"I missed you too pumpkin." I said.

"Wait, they operated on your head which means they had to shave off your hair right?" Ashley asked.

"Uh... I think so. I guess. Why?"

"Oh man! You're bald under that gauze?!" he laughed.

"Shut up Purdy!" I threw a pillow at him and laughed.

"I'm just joking. I bet you look pretty badass bald."

We all laughed.

"Mommy, they cut off all your hair?" Beth asked.

"Yea." I replied.

"But why? I loved your hair! Why would the doctors cut it all off?!" she exclaimed mad.

"Actually, we only shaved the side we would be operating on." A familiar deep, rough voice said. "I think your mom could easily pull off the side shave. Looks pretty badass on her."I had heard this voice before, when I couldn't see, but I couldn't quite remember who it was.

I turned my head to face the mystery man. Everything seemed slow motion like a cliché scene in a movie. As soon as locked gazes with beautiful hazel green eyes my whole body froze.

"What are you doing here?" Were the only words my brain could manage to say.


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