Chapter 17

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Andy's POV
"Okay now can you squeeze my hand?" Cath's doctor finally arrived and was doing a full check up to see exactly what was going on. So far Cath couldn't feel/ move her right side from the shoulders down. The doctor turned to me and shook his head indicating she hadn't been able to squeez his hand.

"I would like to take a head CT if thats alright with you guys." the doctor asked. I nodded and he told the nurse to get Cath ready.

I approached Cath's bedside and I took her hand.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay I promise.." Cath said picking up on my silence. "How are the kids?" the nurse began to unplug Cath from the big machines so she could be rolled to the CT room.

"They're okay. They obviously miss their mom. But Jackie's taking great care of them."

Cath smiled. "She's going to be a great mom one day."

They started rolling the gurney out of the room so I quickly kissed her forehead. I then told her what she had been repeating to me the whole day. "Everything will be okay."


30 minutes later they brought Cath back to the room. The doctor walked in behind them. "Okay I will need a bit of time to look at the scans closely making sure I don't miss anything."

I nodded and Cath thanked him, then he left.

I texted the rest of the guys, telling them Cath had woken up, then sat in a chair next to Cath, resting my head on the bed. Her left hand found its way to my hair and she ran her fingers through it. After a while I started drifting off but I didnt want to fall asleep until I knew she was going to be okay. I moved and turned my head and rested it in different possitions to keep myself from falling asleep.

Cath noticed, kept running her hand through my hair and whispered, "I'm going to be okay. Everything will go back to normal soon."


Jackie's POV
As soon as CC received the text from Andy we got up from the table where we were currently eating and grabbed the kids. It was a struggle to get all the food and icky goo off of them but they had a quick bath and they were good to go.

I wanted them to be able to see their mom. I wanted Cath to be able to see her kids and not waste another second. Beth put on her favorite band t-shirt; she said her mom had one just like it. And I put Jayden in his best little button up shirt and jeans with some cute little dress shoes.

We got to the hospital, CC holding on to Beth's hand and me carrying Jayden. I went to the front desk and Cristina was behind it.

"Jackie, hey! You here to visit Cath again?" she asked

"Yea. Did you already see her? How is she?"

Crsitina looked confused. "Last time I checked not good.."

"But she woke up, thats something right?" CC said.

"She woke up?!" Cristina quickly ran to the other side of the desk and started speed walking towards the elevator. She turned back and waved us over, "Come on! What are you guys waiting for?!"

We entered the room and I was unsure of what Cath would be like. As soon as we walked in I knew something was wrong. Cath was awake, her eyes where open, but she didn't look our way.

"Cath?" I said.

"Jackie? Is that you?" she turned her head but didnt look at me. It was like she was staring right past me.

"Mommy!" Beth ran next to the bed and hugged Cath. Cath's arm wrapped around her daughter and tears escaped her eyes.

"Hey baby! I missed you so much!" She told Beth.

Andy then walked into the room.

"Daddy look! Mommy woke up!"

Andy chuckled a bit and took Jayden from my arms. "I know, pumpkin." He walked over to Cath and grabbed her left hand. He then kissed Jayden's forehead before sitting him on Caths lap.

"Oh... Hey baby boy! Oh I missed you guys so much." Cath said.

"We'll leave you guys alone." CC said. I shot a glance at Andy and he made his way over to me.

"I'm going with them okay babe?" Andy informed Cath. She mumbled a "mkay" and we stepped out of the room.

"What the hell is going on Andy?!" I whisper-yelled.

"When Cath woke up she couldn't see anything. The doctors did further exams and found out that she also couldn't move her right side from the shoulders down. They took a couple of scans and x rays a while ago but we're still waiting to hear from them." Andy explained.

"Actually, you don't have to wait any longer."

Confused I raised an eyebrow. "Dean?"

Sorry im so sorry for not updating on Saturday or Sunday they were very busy days.

I need your guy's help again. I have writers block and i dont really know how to continue this book. PLEASE HELP MEEEEEE

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