Chapter 24

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Cath's POV
"Breakfast is ready!!" I yelled.

Soon I heard stomps, people running down stairs. Laughter soon followed.

"No running down the stairs! Andy you know better than that!" I said, Andy chuckled.

"Sorry." He leaned in to kiss me but stopped as soon as his eyes landed upon what was on the table. "Pancakes!!!"

I rolled my eyes and we all sat down. Andy was the first to dig in.

"I'm so excited to go to school, mom can you believe I'm in 9th grade now?! Highschool! Wow I feel so old!" Beth often went on and on about how mature she is and how old she's getting, Andy and I always listened in amusement.

"Woah woah woah. Calm down, you're still not old enough for a lot of things. First things first, now that you're going to enter highschool there's some things we have to talk about." Andy said.

"Dad please don't give me the birds and bees speech" Beth said cringing.

"What's the birds and bees speech?" Jayden asked.

We chucked and Andy ruffled Jayden's hair. "Thats for another time buddy. But no not the birds and bees speech. What I wanted to say before I got interrupted was: no boys. No boyfriends no boy "friends" no- you know what no dating until you're 30!"


I chuckled and turned to the other side of the table. "How about you Mikey, are you excited to start highschool?"

Even though they were twins, Beth and Michael were polar opposites. Beth was loud and social, Michael preferred to keep to himself and dig his nose into a good book.

"I guess." He shortly answered.

"Okay well good luck to you both, I have to head out. Love you." Andy gave me a quick kiss then grabbed his jacket.

"Have fun in class!" I called out to Andy.

"Yea yea yea, I'm going to give them another Grainger piece. Pray for me." And he left.

"Well I have to take over Susan's shift so we have to hurry too guys." I said as I picked up my plate and washed it.

Michael, Beth, and Jayden said sarcastically in unison, "Yes mom."

"Cath? Cath. Baby wake up."
So this was Cath having a dream about what wouldve happened if Andy hadn't gone on tour. In this chapter Andy is a Music Teacher and Cath is a nurse so yea and Michael is alive obv.

Please give me feed back and help bc idk how to continue this

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