Chapter 12

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Danny's POV
I walked into the hospital room Cath was in. I had taken the first flight to LA I could after Cristina called. When I entered, Andy was asleep next to the bed, sited in a wheelchair.

I shook his shoulder enough to wake him up. "Hey. Andy you should go lay down."

"No. No. I can't leave her side..."

"She won't be alone. I'm going to be here with her." I said.

He hesitantly nodded and kissed Cath's hand before leaving the room. As soon as we were alone I brought a chair up next to the bed and held Cath's hand in mine. Her hand was cold, I blew on it a bit to try to warm her up. "Cath..." my eyes started watering and a few tears fell from my eyes. "You're gonna be alright... I'm going to take care of you. Because that's my job, right? Taking care of my pain in the ass little sister." I saddly chuckled and thought, if Cath was awake she would say "I'm older than you, you idiot."

"I know you can make it. I know you're strong enough to make it through this. You have gone threw so much and survived... Please don't leave now. You have two little ones waiting for you at home." I took a few shaky breaths and let the tears roll down my cheeks.

"You know... Lily wants a divorce. Things are not that great at home right now. And I will admit... Its my fault. Im the one that always overreacts and doesn't forgive easily. She wants kids but... I dont think I do. I mean I love kids, I just don't think I'm ready to have some of my own." I stopped talking and looked at her. I moved some strands of hair off her face and studied all the cuts and bruises on her.

"I always tried to protect you, you know? Even if it didn't seem like it. Since we were young I felt the need to protect you. Dad didn't even have to tell me. It's just always been my responsibility you know? But I couldn't protect you of this. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love. I feel like I let dad down with the way I was after his death. And now I let you down too. I can't do anything to save you and I feel helpless. I can't get my sister out of this one... You can't die. I can't let you go. First Dad, then Mom.. I can't let you go too. If you leave I'm alone. You're all I have left... What am I suppose to do if you leave me alone... What am I suppose to do?"

I heard the door open and quickly wiped my tears.

"Hey." Cristina walked in with her scrubs on.

"Are you her doctor?"

"No. They don't let us treat loved ones." She sat down beside me. "I know this is hard. It's hard for me too. But we will get through this and she will wake up."

"I'm gonna kill him. Its all his fault! Andy is the reason my sister is in this bed hooked onto all these machines!" I clenched my fists in anger until my knuckles turned white.

"No, Danny, it wasn't his fault."

"Yes it was! He was driving, it was him. It was his fault!"

"No it wasn't." Cristina put a hand on my shoulder.

"No, He's right." Andy rolled into the room. "This was all my fault."

Cristina sighed and I didn't move a muscle, afraid of what I might do to him if I did...

"No. You didn't do anything wrong. It was the other driver. Andy, the driver had fallen asleep. This isn't your fault you didn't have any control over this." Cristina stood up and walked over to Andy. "Come on, you shouldn't be out of bed."

A little short I know sorry. Im starting school on wednesday and i have volleyball practice everyday so updating might be a little slow...

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