Chapter 15

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Jackie's POV
"Hows the handsome little boy doing?" I walked into the room we had converted into the kids' room in CC and my apartment, and picked up Jayden from his crib. He giggled a bit and I took him into the kitchen to heat up his bottle.

Since last week when, Andy insisted he saw Cath move a finger, he hasn't left the hospital; which ment Beth would constantly ask where her daddy was and Jayden would often cry and wouldn't stop even after I would feed, change, or do anything else to calm him down.

Once the bottle was ready I filled it up with the formula and dropped a bit on my hand to make sure it wasn't too hot. I placed Jayden on his chair and gave him his bottle. As a 9 month old he of course wanted to do everything himself and already grabbed his bottles by himself when they were half full because if they were full they would be too heavy for him.

I sat down and looked up at him. "I wish your mom could see how big you've gotten."

I heard the front door open and close and footsteps approached the kitchen.

"Hey baby." CC walked over, leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Hi. How was recording?"

"Good. Obviusly Andy wasn't there today but we all recored our parts. He can go record when he's ready."

I got up, grabbed three plates, three forks and started serving dinner. "Andy needs to get out and do something. This is ripping him apart; piece by piece. The kids need him."

"I guess. But honestly, if I was in his shoes I wouldn't be much different." CC got a Pea Gerber jar from the fridge. He took a small spoon and walked over to Jayden. CC opened the can and smelled it, shrugged his shoulders and tasted some with the spoon. "Oh my god this is disgusting?! Jayden, you're letting your Aunt Jackie feed you this crap?!"

I giggled and turned my attention back on to putting all the food on the plates. "Beth! Dinner is ready!"


"When are Mommy and Daddy coming back?" Beth asked as I was tucking her in.

"Soon baby. Soon." I kissed her forehead and turned the light off as I walked out the door.

"You're going to be a great mom." I jumped startled because I didn't know CC was behind me.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I playfully pushed him back.

Suddenly he threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the bed room.

"What are you doing?!" I giggled.

He laid next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Its been a long day for you. You've done a lot. You need some rest." He placed a kiss on my neck and we fell asleep within minutes.

Andy's POV
I'm not crazy. I didn't imagine it. I know nobody believes me, but I know she did move. Now I don't want to  spend a second away from her because if she wakes up, I want to be there. Any minute now she will open her eyes and everything will go back to normal.

"Hey man, you should go get some sleep." Ashley said as he walked into the hospital room.

I shook my head. "I already slept. Its okay."

"Fine. You should go get something to eat. At least some coffee. You look tired as hell."

"I don't want to leave her--"

"She won't be alone. I'll stay here with her. If anything happens I will immediately find you."

Hesitantly I stood up. "Fine. Thanks." I walked out the room and into an elevator. Once at the cafeteria I didn't really know what to get. I wasn't hungry and hospital food is disgusting. I will admit, because of my eating habits lately I have unhealthily lost some weight. I decided to grab a blueberry muffin and a cup of coffee then I headed back to the room.

Taking bites of the muffin and sips of the coffee as I went along, I reached an elevator and pressed floor 7. The doors were about to close when a doctor stretched his hand out to keep the doors from closing. He walked in and stood beside me and pressed floor 5. I had never seen him before. He looked fairly young, around my age, maybe a year or two older. He had dark blonde, almost brown hair and I think hazel eyes. I guess he saw me looking at him and he turned around to look at me.

"You're Dr. Reed's husband I presume? Andy right?" He said.

"Uh... Yea. How'd you know?"

"I've seen you around. You've got the nurses going crazy. Heard a doctor tried to make a move on you. I guess chicks dig guys in bands."

I started to feel a bit uncomfortable. "Oh. Um yea. How do you know so much about me?"

"I tend to keep tabs on the people I love. When I heard my ex was in a coma well... I rushed here as soon as I could. Imagine my surprise when I found out she married a guy in black skinny jeans. And not only that, I was even more surprised when I knew he-- sorry-- you were the reason she's pretty much dead. Nice going asshole."

I clenched my jaw ready to throw a punch at this guy when the elevator dinged and its doors opened.

"I'm Dean by the way. Pleasure to meet you Andy. See you around."
Who the hell does this Dean guy think he is?!

Cath never mentioned any exes before. I honestly thought I had been the last guy she had seriously dated.

It infurated me how egotistical this guy was. I mean, I know I can be an asshole, but he pushed the line. He's her ex for a reason, he can't just freaking appear out of nowhere!

I decided to stay outside Cath's room to cool down a bit. I sat on a chair right outside the room to finish my coffee. I got up to throw away the cup and suddenly the door bursts open.

"She's awake!"
Hi! I did not forget about you guys or this book. Im sorry i didnt update sooner, these past few weeks have been hell.

Theres so much stuff i have to do i cant fit everything in but anyways, as promised I update on the weekends.

This is NOT a Supernatural crossover I just thought Dean could be a new character added on and who else better than Jensen Ackles to play him because he is Dean Winchester in Supernatural. Isn't he so pretty

So yeaaaaa i had no idea what i was going to do but that was the end result. I hope you guys liked it

Comment what you think about this, what you think will happen next and what you wish would happen inthe next chapter/s please im dying to know!

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