Chapter 16

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Andy's POV
I rushed into the room pushing Ashley aside and ran up to Cath. She was choking and couldn't breathe.


Ashley ran out the room and within seconds came back with, of course, Dean.

"I know he's not her doctor but he was the first one I found!" Ashley said.

Dean quickly walked up to Cath and grabbed ahold of the tube that was down her throat. He started pulling it out carefully. Cath was gripping the sheets next to her. "Its okay, its okay. I know it hurts, I'm sorry. Its okay." Once he did, Cath inhaled sharply before coughing.

"Hey, hey baby. I'm right here. I'm right here. You're okay now." I grabbed her hand and rubbed circles on the back.

I noticed she didn't look at anything specifically. Her eyes were roaming the room as if she was trying to inspect every single inch of it but it seemed odd. It looked like she was looking at nothing but everything at the same time if that makes any sense.

Dean pushed me out of the way and shined a light into her eyes. After a while he sighed and threw the light across the room which startled Cath.

"What happened?!" She asked.

"Baby, you-- we were in a car accident and you went into a coma. Oh my God I thought I lost you." I kissed her forehead and again she jumped a bit like she didn't see it coming.

"I... I have to go. I'll get your doctor." Dean said and he walked out of the room.

I gabbed her hand and traced circles over the old scars on her wrist. "Cath?"

"Yea?" she turned to me but didn't make eye contact. She stared straight at my chest.

"Can... Can you...see... anything?" I asked hoping the answer was the opposite of what I thought.

She weakly smiled and her eyes started tearing up. She didn't say anything but her silence said everything. She stared right passed me.

A sob escaped my mouth and tears rolled down my cheek.

"Hey, no crying in here! Crying is for babies. Lets celebrate! Who's gonna bring the booze?!" Cath said.

I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. I closed the door behind me and leaned up against the wall, sobbing into my hands. My body slid down the wall until I was holding my knees almost to my chest.

Ashley's POV
"Cath..." I walked up next to her bed. "Can you really not see anything?"

Tears escaped her eyes but she kept a weak smile on her face. "Not a thing."

I sighed and sat down next to her. "Well... I'm glad you're awake. Andy was falling to pieces without you."

"I know."

I looked at her confused "What do you mean?"

"I know what happend. I know we were in a car crash. I know I was in a coma. I remember hearing conversations here and there. How I remember... I don't know. But I do. And I'm glad I do."

I stayed quiet for a bit. "Did you have any of those 'light at the end of the tunnel' near death things?" I asked.

"Um... Yea I think. I vaguely remember a dream. Or what felt like a dream. After I saw the lights of the truck coming towards us and heard a crash there was this, like, white light. I don't remember much about the dream but what I do know is that my mom and dad were there."

Another short chapter i know im sorry but hey, combine chapter 16 with this one and you have almost 900 words so... I guess its okay.

Guys I need help. These books i think of them as a really big imagine so can i ask for requests? Is that allowed? Idk but if you have something you want to happen or something you want to suggest please let me know bc im running out of ideas here

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