Chapter 27

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Cath's POV
After the day of the celebratory breakfast with the guys, Mat had become a good friend of ours.

We had gone on a couple double dates with him and his boyfriend. We even had dinner, all the bvb couples with them, for Sam's (Mat's boyfriend) birthday.

They're a pretty sweet couple and really fun to hang out with.

The guys are about ready to leave for tour, only a month till, and the girls and I aren't really glad about it.

"Why can't you guys follow them around like groupies?!" Mat asked.

I chuckled and continued folding the laundry. "Because we have lives."

"And she has kids," Jackie added.

"It would be fun though," Ella took a sip of her wine, "I mean, they're really living the life. They travel, meet new people, experience all types of cultures. The food, oh my god I would travel with them just for the food!"

"That's true, I would love to do that. Go backpacking for months in Europe!" Mat sighed and took a onesie from the basket, helping me fold clothes.

"My chances of that are gone with the kids," I said.

"Hey, what happened with your brother and his wife?" Jackie asked.

"He doesn't really talk about it but I don't think things are going that well. I have a feeling they're not living together anymore."

Mat looked sad, grabbed one of Andy's t shirts and continued folding. "Oh, what happened?"

"Well, he wanted the life we're talking about. Traveling, enjoying life as a couple. She wanted to settle down, have kids. They just didn't work out I guess." I said.

"Speaking of kids, there's something I wanted to tell you guys." Jackie said.

"Oh my god, are you pregnant!?" Alice asked with excitement.

"No, I wish!" Jackie chuckled. She had been a bit more accepting with the fact that she was probably not gonna have a kid. "But, CC and I have thought about it quite a bit, and I've done research and called a few contacts I have. We're adopting a baby girl!"

My mouth opened, and my eyes grew wide, "OH MY GOD!!" I let go of the socks I had in hand and ran to her, arms wide open, and hugged her. Soon I felt others join. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!"

"Uh, okay, yes but I need to breathe," Jackie said, the words muffled by the bodies surrounding her.

We chuckled and let go. "How old is she? What's her name? When can we meet her? When do you guys take her in? Where is she from?" I bombarded Jackie with questions.

"Chiiiilllll," she laughed, "she's 3 months old, she's from North Carolina, at least her family is. Her name is Ava, and we just finalized the papers but it'll take a while, we're meeting her the day before the guys leave for tour but the agency decided it was best that she officially comes to live with us when CC gets back from tour. So that's when you'll get to meet her."

"Oh, that's great!" Mat said.

"Yea, it is. We're really excited! We met with the mom, she's this young thing, 15 years old, she's really sweet. It breaks my heart to think about how she must feel, but we made it clear she could be involved if she wanted to be. She refused, saying it would be best if she doesn't. I can't imagine how hard it must've been, so young and knowing she couldn't possibly support a child when she is one herself."

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