double the fun {kevin love}

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for @Ms_ANGEL_21


Today is the day. You and your husband of one year Kevin Love are going to find out if you are pregnant.

Yes you took the drugstore test but you learned not to gain hope from those.

You and Kevin have been trying so hard to have children but it just wouldn't happen. You have talked about having children for many years now and it has become stressful.

You walked hand and hand with Kevin into the doctors room.

"Hello Mrs and Mr Love, how are you" Doctor Johnson asked. "We are doing okay" Kevin responded.

You talked for a while until she asked you to change into the hospital gown.

Once you finished getting changed, you walked into the room getting more nervous by the minute.

What happens if I can't get pregnant? Will Kev leave me? Will I adopt?

Suddenly Kevin placed his hand on your back reassuring you everything will be okay with a smile.

You were unbelievably lucky to have Kevin in your life. He was there through thick and thin like he promised on our wedding day.

I kept on taking deep breaths while Dr. Johnson was checking the ultra sound.

"Well it seems like you two are going to be parents"

The smiles were plastered on your faces. "Did you here that Tempest!? Babe we are going to be parents!" Kevin beamed.

"But not only to one child it seems.." Dr. Johnson continued. "Twins?" I questioned. "It seems like it Mrs. Love. Congratulations!"

"We are having twins Kev, Twins!" you were over the moon. You were so grateful and so was Kevin.

After talking to the doctor and setting up some appointments, you and Kevin left the room looking like fools with the biggest smiles plastered across you face.

He hugged you from behind and whispered into your ear "Well, Mrs. Love let the journey begin."


I'm so sorry that it is so short but I hoped you liked it ☺️
Sorry for any mistakes 😇

How's everyone's summer going?
- vivienne ❤️

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