Jordan's Back story

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Jordan's POV
I crawled to the other end of the dark alleyway. My black cat ear flatten on my head, blending into my coal colored hair. I dragged my tail with me. I had no strength to lift it up. I haven't eaten anything for days, maybe even weeks. Once I reached the opening of the alleyway I looked around for something to eat, anything.

The sky was grey and it looked like it was about to rain. It was probably 7 or 8 in the evening by now. The streets where empty. The buildings were worn down and broken. Most were made of bricks and others where made of concrete. All of them had some type of graffiti spray painted on. I haven't seen a single soul for months. Now that I ran out of food I'm being force to move. The government shut this place down because of illegal actions taking place here.

I wish I can get a normal job, I wish I can buy normal things, I wish I can be normal. I wish I can be in the same place with other normal beings and not be called a freak or monster. I wish my parents actually loved me. I wish they never done this to me.

I wasn't born like this, I was a failed science experiment. My parents where scientists and they were really into Japanese culture. They killed my beloved cat, Carrie, in order to make me in to a neko at age 16.

After they made me a neko they sold me. They told me I was a failure and they can make a better one. I was sold as a sex slave for 6 or 7 years. Just about 2 or 3 years ago I escaped and lived life on the streets. I tried getting a job but they just chase me out of the building and called me a freak.

I followed the rode in hopes of it taking me somewhere with food or people. I live as a stray cat. Digging through trash to find food. I'm not proud of it, I actually feel really ashamed. But I have no other choice.

~Time Skip~

I reached a nearby city. There were people screaming, loud music playing, and all different color lights were shining all over the place. The streets were packed with drunks, police men, and normal people just trying to pass by. Cars were racing down the roses and each time one passes by you can feel the wind in your face. My head pounded from the sounds. Since my ears are cat ears, my sense of hearing is more sensitive.

I picked up my tail with my hands so people won't step on it. As I walk by people gave me dirty looks. I tried to ignore them but deep inside I wanted to cry.

~Time Skip~

After a while of walking around in hopes of finding food and a place to stay, I finally found a walk way between a liquor shop and a convenient store. I also found some leftover steak and fish from the trash.

I sighed. At least this is better than being sold as a sex slave. Like the people feed me anyways. I ate the leftovers slowly.

I found so newspaper I can sleep on too. Once I finished I laid down in to a fetal position and wrapped my tail around my waist. I dragged a few newspapers on me, also leaving some on the ground so I can be at least a little warm.

Why? What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this? Why was my life like this? Why?

I felt hot tears sliding down my face. I closed my eye in hopes of find some rest.

Tell me what ya think :D Much luv <3

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