Chapter 7

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After 2 months had past Hermione had finally moved in. Her baby bump had got large and she got weird cravings. Sometimes she felt like pickles, other times straight up cream but mostly chocolate.

Hermione was unpacking her last of her boxes when she walked past a room with the sound of what sounded like crying. She pushed open the door to find Fred sobbing on Georges bed. She runs to his side and lifts him up. He was hugging a photo, she took the photo off him to see it clearly. It was a moving photo of him and George laughing at the camera. A single tear comes rolling her cheek.

"Honey, it's alright." Hermione kisses Fred on the lips and pulls away immediately.

"Babe have you been drinking?" Fred nods slightly. "Come on, lucky it's night. Let's go to bed. It's been a long night" Hermione picks up Fred and leads him out the door. "It has been a very long day," 'Mione whispers to herself as she spots a bottle of firewhiskey.

She walks Fred to bed and has to help him get dressed.

"Luckily you aren't violent when you are drunk. You're a cryer." She says as she pulls over his singlet that clung on to his abs on Fred and kisses his lips. "Come on, off to bed" Fred turn s around and Hermione slaps him on the butt. He giggles and jumps in to bed and instantly falls asleep. She giggles to herself and puts her silk pj's on and slips in next to Fred, putting an arm around him. She got warm instantly and fell asleep. The next day she woke up to the smell of pancakes. She jumped up and walked to the kitchen.

"This could get dangerous" Hermione says sarcastically.

"Hey I am trying to do something special for you and the baby since I acted so badly last night so here I am." Hermione smiles at him. She giggles a bit and hugs him from behind. She could feel his abs against his singlet.

"Have you been working out?" Hermione asks cheekily.

"Yes I have actually. I bet you love this! Like who wouldn't want to love this muscle?" Fred starts to tense. Hermione laughs at him as the pan starts to burn.

"Do you want me to take over?" She asks as he struggles to flip the pancake. He nods slightly and she takes over the cooking.

"This is why you're the better cook and this is why you'll be the perfect mother." He smiles and pecks her lips. She puts her arms around his neck and feels a chain.

"Babe, what's this?" She asks as she gets it out.

"Well it's a necklace, it has obviously has three things on it. This one here" he picks up a hand from a clock that had a picture of George on it, "this fell off the clock when my Georgie died. This one here," this time he picked up a letter G on it, "is from Georgie, he gave it to me during the war. This last one here" a golden locket that looked a bit expensive "is for us three." Fred puts his hand on the baby bump. "So you guys are always on my heart no matter where I go. I'm thinking of getting another one so I can put a photo of George and I in it. I think he would've liked it. Well I think we should dig in my love" he kisses her on the lips and sits down. They eat in silence when there was a light knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" Fred asks. They both get up and head to the door to find Draco Malfoy there.

"Draco, what are you doing here?" Fred asks in a frown but harsh way.

"I heard you guys were having a baby and I thought I could help you with everything. You know, seeing as though I have Scorpius and everything." He says kindly.

"Yeah sure, but we are also going to the Burrow tonight so we can have lunch together." Hermione says suspiciously.

Authors Note:

What the hell is Draco doing there? You'll have to wait until the next chapter. What do you want the gender to be? Vote in the comments and also if they should have twins or not. Thanks

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