Chapter 24

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Flashing lights. Everything was blurry. There were loud noises, high squealing noises. All Hermione could hear was her heart beating louder and louder, her breath becoming faster and faster, louder and louder. Everything was so peaceful at Saint Mungo's. That was until something happened to Fred. It's always Fred, he isn't asking for it. He wants to be with his family. He was torn between two places he wanted to be. With his best friend. The one he loved and had been friends with since the day he was born. Or the one he loves, the one has loved since the moment he laid eyes on her. Hermione was crying on Charlie's shoulder. She had George on her waist and hugging Charlie with the other arm.

"Here, let me take him," Charlie took George off her and held on to him. "Let's go sit down. You've had so much piled onto you these past few days. Let's go get something to eat, the twins need something to eat," Charlie rubbed her stomach. He kissed her forehead and walked her to the cafe and sat her down. "Eat this," Charlie passes her a sandwich.

"Thank you Charlie. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. Everyone has been so nice to me, I like you." Hermione was slowly closing her eyes.

"Don't you need some sleep. You've been up since Fred got into a cardiac arrest," Charlie lifted her up and apparated her home. She went straight to bed as Charlie played with George.

A few hours later Hermione woke up in pain. A strong pain coming from the twins.

"Charlie!" She screamed. She held her stomach as she walked out to see them, George asleep on his mat on the ground covered with a blanket. "The twins! Somethings happening!" Hermione screams even louder.

"AHHH! Alright, I'll come back for you George." Charlie starts to freak out. "Actually no. You're coming with me," he changes his mind and picks him up and apparates to the hospital. "Hermione is having problems with her babies," Charlie freaks out.

"Level 3, you'll see you're nurse there," the lady doesn't take her eyes off her clipboard. He runs up to the elevator and carries her to level 3. As soon as Charlie was sent out of the room, he owls Bill. A few minutes later he gets an owl back saying he'll be there in a few minutes. Bill came running in with Draco.

"Where is she?" Draco asks.

"In there, haven't heard anything from anyone," Charlie starts pacing.

"Have you heard anything about Fred? Is Fred alright? I hope Fred's alright," Draco starts to panic as well.

"I never knew how much you cared about Fred, Draco," Bill looks at Draco.

"Well Fred was the only one that took me in after the war. Dad pretty much disowned me for not caring about blood statuses anymore and Fred took me under his wing. I've always liked them, him and George. I'm really sorry about how my family treated yours. I hope you will forgive me," Draco pleads.

"We forgive you, hopefully he is alright," Charlie starts worrying.

"It's alright Charlie. Fred will survive. With all the things Fred has been through, he wouldn't give up on Hermione, on his family," Bill reassures Charlie and Draco. They all sit down for a few hours and Nurse Brittany comes walking out. The three men stand up as soon as they see her. "How is he?" Bill asks.

"Alright Fred is stable. He should be waking up soon. We are still looking at Mrs Weasley." Nurse Brittany smiles and walks off.

"See boys he is alright. Let's go see him," Bill leads Draco and Charlie to Fred's room. He opens his eyes slightly.

"Hey, how are my main men going?" Fred jokes. Charlie runs over and hugs Fred.

"Don't leave me again," Charlie let's go. "Fred don't freak out but Hermione is in the hospital. She was in a lot of pain last night," Fred gets up and runs out of the hospital with his hospital gowns. He runs to Nurse Brittany holding a clipboard.

"Where is she? Where is Hermione?" Fred yells.

"Mr Weasley please calm down," Nurse Brittany tries.

"I can't calm down knowing my wife is in this hospital and I don't know where the hell she is!" He yells, his face going a little red. "I've survived a war, my best friend and my brother dying alright? I can't handle my wife dying as well," Fred tries to calm himself down.

"Alright, she is in room 378," Fred runs and runs until he finds the room. He barges through the door.

"Hermione are you alright?" He asks scared.

"Fred I'm so sorry!" Hermione cries. She turns to face Fred who was standing at the door still. "I'm so sorry it was all my fault, if only I had stopped. I knew if I didn't stop this would happen as well. I'm so sorry Fred!" She cries even harder. Fred could see she had been crying for a long time by how puffy and red her eyes were.

"Honey, honey. It wasn't your fault. Tell me what happened," Fred sits down beside her on the hospital bed. He puts his arm around her and hugs her. "It's alright Hermione, it's alright. Just tell me what happened and I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you," Fred tries to reassure her.

"Fred, one of the babies has died. The doctor said it was by all the stress I was feeling and it wasn't good for the babies. I'm so sorry! It was all my fault!" Hermione cries on his shoulder. She didn't think she could cry even more but tears just kept on flowing out like a tsunami.

"Oh honey! It's alright, we can push through this together," Fred starts to cry as he knew this was all his fault. Like how George died, Fred felt like that was his fault as well. Like how Draco's dad had pretty much disowned him, like how Hermione had to obliviate her parents. Fred thought that this was all his fault. All this bad things had happened to him. He broke down and cried. He cried harder than Hermione. Bill (who had gone back to the Burrow) had come in with George on his hip and put him in the middle of them.

"I thought this little chap would make you a little bit better. Also Charlie is getting hot chocolates for everyone and Draco is getting something Muggles call 'Ben and Jerry's' ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream. Why don't we go to your place and watch what Muggles also call 'Chickflicks' or 'movies'. I'll also go order pizza and fish and chips because both of you would be starved," Bill helps them up and apparates them to Fred and Hermione's as they were the only ones with a television.

They were awake until the early hours of the morning where Bill stayed in the spare room, Charlie slept on the couch and Draco slept on a mattress in Georges room. They were content that everyone was alright but deep down, Fred was scared for life.

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