chapter two

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Noelle Robinson's POV.

I park my car in the Olive Garden parking lot, walking into the restaurant immediately being greeted by the overly happy hostest.

"How many?" i look around and spot Sam's blonde hair, "i'm actually with that party" i point towards Sam.

her eyes go wide "you're with Skate and Sammy?" i nod and she contains her excitement "have a great meal" she goes back to her job.

i walk over and see Rosie sitting with the rest of the boys, i smile at the boys. "you can sit next to swazz"

Nate smirks at me as i take my seat next to John, setting my white purse by my feet.

Nate is my best friend and knows everything; including the fact that i had the biggest (have) on John.

he teases me about it whenever he gets the chance, so the fact we're sitting next to each other makes Nate extremely happy.

"Noelle, what have you been doing this past year?" Sam asks from the other side of the table, everybody looks my way.

"yeah, any boyfriends?" Skate smirks at me, "nope, no boyfriends" i shake my head

"lots of working and travelling" "that's right, i kept seeing things on your insta.. you're traveling more than we are" Johnson laughs.

"where have you visited?" Stew asks sipping his strawberry lemonade.

"Seattle, New York, Victoria Canada, Brazil and Cabo" i smile at Stew.

"any new adventures to come?" Jack asks looking at me "going back to Cabo for my 20th"

"that's next month right? August 9th?" i nod "we're going with you!" Sam smiles

"we can celebrate John's belated 21st in Cabo!" Sam claps his hands together "i've never been to Cabo" John says next to me.

i turn my head to look at him, he looks at me and smiles "i'm down".


after dinner we all decided to go home and maybe meet up tomorrow for something fun "just text me!"

i stand up on my tippy toes to give John a sly kiss on the cheek, making myself blush hardcore. 'noelle why would you do that' i ask myself.

i drove home and walked up the stairs to my bedroom, laying down on the bed...

i'm really starting to fall for John again.

Morning time.

I woke up and looked over at my alarm clock. 1:30pm. holy shit i slept all morning.. oops no fucks given.

i grab my phone off the charger on my side table, seeing three text messages.

From: John 😍 @ 8:30
"Rae Sremmurd concert tonight, be ready by 2:30"

From: Nathan 🙍 @ 10:30
"concert tonight, be ready by 2:30 loser"

From: Stew Maloley 💆 @ 1:23
"Noelle the boys told me to make sure you're awake by 1:30 so you can get ready... u awake homie... i really don't wanna get up and come over there"

i just read Nate n John's texts and reply to Stew's

To: Stew Maloley 💆
"i'm awake, thx baby maloley"

I only have an hour to get ready, i groan and throw my warm blankets off my body, walking over to my closet.

I grab a black and white stripped shirt, my black skinny jeans and a black fedora hat.

Bright Lights  // j.sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن