chapter nine

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"a girl!" The doctor smiles and wipes the jelly off my stomach, "come back in for a check up in about three weeks"

she walks out and John engulfs me in a hug "we're having a baby girl" He kisses  me.

"i'm so excited for you guys, and can't wait to have a baby girl in the house" Nate hugs John and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"i've gotta go grocery shopping" i look at them, "I'll go with you" Nate says, "I've gotta go help the Jack's with something in the studio, love you babe" he kisses me and drives off.

"where we going?" Nate opens my car door and i get in, "Costco" Nate nods and starts driving towards Costco.

he parks and we both get out and begin walking towards the front doors, Nate grabs a cart and i show them my Costco card, "let the adventures begin"

we walk down the isle and i grab a bunch of fruit, different kinds of meat, cheese and all that good stuff.

"what kind of soda do you want?" i ask as Nate places two cases of water onto the cart, "i don't really care" he shrugs.

we walk down that isle and he grabs a case of red bull, moster's and mt. dew. i point to the dr.pepper and we finish off that isle.

i begin grabbing frozen foods and chips i know they like when their high, "anything else?" Nate shakes his head and pushes the cart to the checkout isle.

We begin putting everything onto the register, and he scans my card and begins checking everything out.

"are we going anywhere after this?" i nod, "walmart" i smile widely at Nate and he rolls his eyes at me, fake annoyed with me.

"your total comes to $237.89" i swipe my debt card and type my pin in, "thank you"

we walk out of Costco and began loading everything into Nate's jeep.

We drive to walmart and we walk in, immediately getting noticed by a fan, "Nate can i get a picture?" he nods and i take a photo of them.

"oh aren't you the one who trapped John in with a baby?" She snapped at me.

my eyes go wide, i don't get offended very often, but that offended me. "um" i said, still in shock.

"hey, shut the fuck up, i'm sorry but you call yourself a fan of me/John and you think you can talk to Noelle like that? that's not okay"

The fan stands there dumbfounded to Skate's words and she turns to try and talk to me again, but i flip her off and continue walking.

Nate grabs a cart and we walk down down many isles and soon enough our cart is pretty much full.

"i guess we're done here now" I begin walking to the front counter and we begin loading our stuff onto the register.

"good afternoon, how are you guy?" The mid-aged lady asks, smiling as she begins ringing all of our stuff up.

"i'm pretty fantastic, how about yourself?" i smile back at her.

"i'm pretty good myself, this may be an inappropriate question, but are you guys having a girl or boy?"

i smile "i'm having a girl, but this isn't the dad... this is my best friend/uncle" she nods her head.

"your total comes to $567"

I pull out my card and swipe it, and Nate begins loading the bags into the cart, him not letting me help.

Back at the apartment.

Nate begins bringing all the stuff into the kitchen and i start putting everything away.

"thanks for going with me, Nate" i smile and he helps me put everything away.

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