chapter twenty-one

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I woke up to the sun coming up through my window, smiling lightly and running my hand through my hair.

i stand up out of bed and walk towards the bathroom and turn the shower on. I step in and quickly clean my hair.

I step out and wrap the towel around my body, walking out of the bathroom and over to my closet, grabbing clothes.

I get dressed and wrap my hair in my towel, walking out of the closet and see Everly still sleeping. I wake her up and walk her into her room.

I change her diaper and put polka dot leggings on her and slip her into her Kam Chancellor jersey.

I walk her down stairs and set her down in her highchair, giving her breakfast. I walk into the living room and turn the tv on seeing pre-game stuff.

I walk over the the side table by my laptop and grab my phone from the charging cord, looking through my phone.

i have three text messages and a missed called. i unlock my phone and click my messages, one was from Nate and two were from a unknown number.

From: Nate
"Hey, i'm gonna come over tomorrow after the Hawks beat the Cleveland"

i close that message and click on the unknown ones, it opening.

From: Unknown
"Hey, Noelle... it's Jenna Portmen, i'm moving into LA trying to find a Art program, is it possible for me to stay with you?"

From: Unknown
"and yes, i know you have a baby, can't wait to meet the beauty"

I smile and quickly text her back.

To: Jenna Portmen
"omg babe, of course you can stay with me!! let me know when you get into town, i just finished your bedroom!"

I lock my phone and walk back to the kitchen and clean Everly up, and set her down and she runs into the living room.

I sit down on the couch and watch the football game and watched Everly play with her toys.

The game finishes and we won, i stand up and walk into the kitchen and begin making lunch for everyone who is coming over.

there was a knock on the door and people walked in, i could hear the sound of their shoes off and walking into the house.

"hey Noelle" Johnson smiles, kissing my cheek and begins helping me make lunch. "Noelle!" Madison walks through the kitchen and smiles.

"hey Madison" i smile and hand Johnson some fruit for him to cut up, "Everly has gotten so big!" I smile.

"i know, she's almost one." Madison smiles and sits down on a stool and pops a cucumber in her mouth.

"is gilinsky with E?" She nods and pulls out her phone, snapping chatting everything that was happening.

"Johnson, smile" Johnson sticks his tough out at the camera and continues cutting stuff up.

"G can you bring Everly in here for lunch?" suddenly G walks in with with Everly and i put her in her highchair.

"will you guys her feed her?" Madison nods smiling, i place the plate on her highchair and i dry my hands.

"i wanna see the bedrooms!" Johnson smiles and i nod, walking up the stairs and down the hallway, starting at Everly's.

I open her bedroom door and turn the bedroom light on and we walk in, Johnson looking around the room.

"this is dope" Johnson walks over to her crib and picks up a stuffed animal, smiling at it. "i bought her this"

He places it back down and we walk out of the room, turning the lights off and closing the door. I walk towards mine and open the door, not needing to turn the light on.

The windows brought in light and because the entire room is white, the entire room is lit. "damn, you're room is gorgeous, decorate mine"

i laugh and Johnson walks towards my bathroom, turning the light on and looking around, "damn, this bathroom is the greatest thing i've seen"

i smile. "thanks Johnson, i really try hard" Johnson laughs and takes out his phone "can i please take a photo and post it on insta?"

"haha, sure.. if you feel like you want too, go right ahead." He steps back and takes a photo, opening Instagram.

@jackjackjohnson: Noelle's bathroom is givin off vibes, i love her so much.

I laugh as he tags me and posts it. I walk out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom, closing the door and walks across into the guest bedroom.

"Who's bedroom is this?" Johnson looks towards me, "a friend of mine is actually moving into town and i told her she could live her" Johnson nods and we walk out.

we both walk down stairs and into the kitchen to see G and Madison cleaning Madison up, i grab my phone and go onto instagram, liking Jack's photo.

right when i go to lock my cellphone, Jenna texts me again, my phone dinging and i click the message box, my messages opening.

From: Jenna Portmen
"I get in tomorrow around 3:30 pretty sure, driving from Omaha to LA is death haha"

oh my gosh, you're kidding.

To: Jenna Portmen
"that shouldn't be a thing!! but i'll be looking forward to seeing you again Jen!"

I lock my phone setting it down on the counter and walk into the living room seeing everyone watching a football game and Everly is asleep in Nate's arms.

"Hey, when did you get here?" i sit down next to him and smile towards him, "little while ago, you were upstairs with Jack" i nod and begin watching the game.

Nate bring his hand up and rubs Everly's back, i look over at the suddenly movement and see his knuckles are busted up.

I think about the million reasons as to why his fingers are busted up, and opt out of asking him about it. I sigh and continue watching tv.

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