chapter four

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John Swift's POV.

saying goodbye to Noelle again made my heart hurt.

"Swazz, that's your bag!" Skate yells from behind me, me almost missing my bag again.

i quickly grab it and head towards the front doors, meeting Kenny Holland and Wesley Stromberg who said they'd pick us up.

i throw my bag into the trunk of Wes's new Benz and get in the car with a groan.

"someone's in a bad mood" Wes jokes and gets into the car.

couple weeks later.

Noelle Robinson's POV.

John hasn't talked to me since we said goodbye at the airport, which i wasn't surprised because that's who John is.

i grab my phone from my side table, seeing two new text messages.

From: Sammy.
"you need to fly out here, all swazz does is mope around and is angry all the time"

From: Nate.
"yooo, fly out and see John"

i shake my head and decide, why not fly out and set John straight.

i jump out of bed, grabbing my laptop and buying a $230 dollar ticket to LA, and begin packing my bags.

"Noelle!" Britney yells from the stairs.

"Britney, thank you sooooo much for taking me to the airport" i drag my bag down the stairs.

"pssh, you're welcome babe" she smiles and helps me with my bags.

Landing in LA.

i walk off the plane grabbing my bags, looking for Nate or Sam.

i turn my phone on and messages flood in

From: Nate
"we can't pick you up, but we'll pay for a Über"

i groan and pull my Über app up and call for one, and walk out of the airport.

"your Uber will be there in 45 minutes" i groan and cancel the uber.

I text Madison Beer and ask her if she could pick me up and she tells me she'll be there in 10.

i sit down on the curb going through my media waiting for Madison to come pick me up.

"hey are you Noelle?" i look up and see the one and only Justin Bieber.. what do you mean? (see what i did there)

"Madison sent me to pick you up, because she was in the studio" i nod and stand up, grabbing my bags.

"here, let me get that for you" he grabs my bag and walks us towards his car, i cough awkwardly getting into his nice ass range rover.

"i'm sorry if this is awkward for you" i shake my head, looking his way.

"no, it's not.. thank you for picking me up, sorry to waste your time" this time it's his time to shake his head.

"you're gorgeous Noelle" Justin taps his finger against the wheel. "thank you" i smile at him.

"what are you in LA for?" "visiting Sammy and Nate" he just nods and continues driving.

"where am i taking you?" i look towards him. "Sammy's apartment..." i look towards him.

"i know where that is, we're like 10 minutes out" i nod and look out the window.

"we're here!" i smile at Justin and get out of the car, grabbing my bag from the backseat.

"Thank you so much Justin!" he smiles at me.

he winks and hands me a piece of paper and drives off, i look down at the paper to see his phone number on it.

i just got Justin Bieber's cellphone number, what da heck.

i walk up the their door and knock, waiting for the door to open, "hold on" John yells and soon the door opens.

"Noelle?" he smiles widely and pulls me into a hug, "i missed you" he mumbles into my hair.

"you coulda texted me you loser" i kiss his cheek.

"true" he hugs me tighter and begins to pull me into the apartment..

"noelle... i love you" John kisses me, making my stomach flutter and tears begin to fall down my face.

"hey hey, noelle... why are you crying" he pulls away and holds my face "it's just.. personal" i hide my face.

"babe, you can tell me" he pouts and pulls me into another hug.

"i don't really wanna talk about it" i shake my head and hug him tighter than i've ever hugged anybody.

"well i'll he here if you want to talk about it, baby" he leans in and kisses my forehead.

"i was heading to the studio to watch the boys record, wanna go with me?" i smile and grab my purse.

he grabs my hand and drags me out of the apartment and down to his car. "we're actually headed to Wes and Kenny's music video shoot, you chill with that?"

i nod getting into the car and slightly jamming to whatever was playing on the radio.

we arrive at the beach house their recording in and their's expensive cars, tigers and Zeus.

"Noelle!!" Kenny runs towards me, i smile and hug him tightly, "how have you been Holland?"

he nods and guides me into the house, "Noelle, whatcha ya doing in Cali?" Sammy walks towards me.

" oh ya know, just chasing famous boys around" i wink and the boys laugh at me

John and i both sit off to the side while the boys are recording their music video, me and john sending each other ugly snapchat's.

To: John 🎉
"can we go get something to eat, i'm hungry"

john looks down at his phone and laughs, getting up and reaching his hand out for me.

i gladly take his hand and grab my purse that was by my feet and we begin walking out of the house.

"yo, we're headed out, Noelle's tired and hungry" the boys nod and say their goodbyes.

"i never said i was tired John" i look ay him confused on why he lied.

"if i woulda just said hungry, i would have had to buy all those losers food and i don't feel like doing that" he grabs my hand and starts driving.

"in n out?" i nod and smile widely at him, "oh my gosh, i miss in n out"

"Omaha needs them" he nods agreeing with me.

"or you need to move out here" i look over, look at John trying to be sly m shiz

"maybe i should" i look at the window and she squeezes my hand slightly and continues to drive.

Later, after dinner

"in n out always makes me wanna sleep" i throw myself on John's bed which is just by the stairs of the apartment.

"why don't you have your own room?" i look up at him cause he is standing at the end of the bed on his phone.

"because they saved a room for you" i look ay him confused.

"wait, you sleep in the living room because they guys are saving a room for me?" he nods and shrugs like it's no big deal.

"you guys are legit crazy, guess i really do need to move out here now" smirks.

"then you can move in with me" this time i shrug like it's no big deal.

"wait, are you saying that I can move in with you?" John looks at me and smirks.

I nod, "yeah I guess that's what I mean"

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