chapter seven

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Noelle Robinson's POV.

the boys have been jumping all day long, and i've been taking photos, swimming and the bottom and just hanging out.

i can't jump, but that okay. i probably wouldn't want to even if i wasn't pregnant.

"hey, Noelle you doing okay?" Sammy asks coming up and taking my backpack from my back and started rubbing my shoulders.

"mm, yeah sammy. i'm good" i'm smiling while closing my eyes.

"maybe we should head back and get some food, you've been out here all day" Sammy continues rubbing my shoulders.

"yeah, maybe we should" a couple of people agree with Sammy, but then someone scoffs.

i open my eyes and see the person to scoff, "why are we leaving me the pregnant girl needs food, the world doesn't revolve around her" Chantel groans

"no it doesn't, you're right Chantel" Nate says giving her a nasty look, "but imm hungry too"

"how about whoever is ready to leave can leave in the first bus and whoever isn't can stay?" i grab my backpack again and begin walking away.

"hey, don't let her get to you. you aren't getting special treatment babe, i'm dog ass hungry" Nate wraps his arm over my shoulder.

back at the house.

After eating i was too tired to really do anything, "John i think i'm gonna take a nap" i kissed his cheek.

"how about you nap by the pool baby" he sticks his bottom lip out.

"or on a boat" Nate says "John, Sammy you, and Hayes are going on a boat" i groan and agree grabbing my backpack.

we walk down the driveway of the house and there was a car there to pick us up.

"are you having a boy or girl?" Hayes looks at me with curiosity

"we haven't found out, we'll find out when we get back from Hawaii, but hopefully a boy"

"why hopefully a boy?" Nate looks at me, "because there is a gene that runs in my family, that causes the girls to have high levels of testoraorne and there's a 97% chance my daughter will have that"

"what does that do to the girl?" Sammy asks.

"means she's born without a uterus; so she can't have kids, she gets really tall, doesn't get boobs, more aggressive.. so pretty much a boy spirit in a girl body"

"does John know that?" Sammy asks, looking up towards John who is on the phone, i nod.

"of course, he knew before i was even pregnant."

"so you would rather just have a boy?" i shake my head "yes and no..." "it's hard"

on the boat.
"Noelle, you don't think you'll get sick, do you?" John asks holding my hand as the boat begins to go out into the ocean.

"no, John" i shake my head at his nonsense and enjoy the beautiful ride.

"You climb those rocks and jump into the ocean" the captain says, turning the boat off.

"have fun babe" I kiss john and sit down, "Noelle... jump. once" i look at him and debate.

"we'll go to the hosptial right after id you really feel the need to, come on... just once"

i gave in and climbed up the rocks to the edge of them and John jumped, and once he came up and swam away, i jumped.

i'm flying through the air, praying it doesn't hurt the baby in anyway and i feel myself hit the water.

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