chapter twenty-five

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I step out of the shower, smiling as i'm getting dressed. Today is my babygirls first birthday, the little angel is a year old already.

I slip into my black plants, i put a tan sweater on. I grab my black fashion hat on. I slip into my black boots, turning off the light and walking into Everly's room.

she's still sleeping peacefully in her crib so i walk out of her room and down stairs. I walk over to the table that has my cellphone.

I unplug in and sit down in the chair by my desk and go through my photo's trying to find a cute baby photo of Everly.

I find a photo of her feet that i took while she was in the hospital, i smile and open Instagram.

@noellerobinson: a year ago today, my beautiful baby girl, Everly Noelle Swift, was born and i stopped living for myself. i've never been more proud of anything in my life and she's only 1. here's to many more baby girl.

I tag John, posting the photo and locking my phone. I stand up and walk into the kitchen, making sure i have everything i need for the party and look towards the clock.

10:30am. The party is at 1:30 so i need to get Everly up, feed her and get her dressed for her big party.

I walk up the stairs and into her bedroom. I turn the light on and walk over to her crib, shaking her tummy slightly. "baby girl" I say.

She begins to stir, her eyes opening slowly. Once her eyes are open, she smiles at me and sits up. "mama"

I grab her from her crib and walk her over to her changing table. I change her diaper and go through her clothes.

"well, what do you want to wear?" She just smiles at me and laughs. I laugh at myself and dress her in white leggings, with navy strips.

I put a grey shirt that says 'lazy days' and a black cardigan, along with a black beanie.

I grab her and walk her down stairs and place her into her jumper. I grab all my bags and begin walking them outside and into my car.

when i walk back into the house, and see Jenna feeding Everly. "thank you, you just saved my life" I laugh and grab more bags.

I walk back in and grab Everly. "do you want to drive with us?" Jenna shakes her head "i've gotta get ready, i'll be over in about an hour" i nod.

"will you bring her jumper?" Jenna nods and takes the last drink of her coffee and places the cup in the sink.

I walk out of the house and i buckle Everly into her baby seat. I get into the car and start my way towards the Jacks.

I park my car and honk the horn, Jack comes out and grabs bags. I grab Everly and my purse. I walk into their house and see a swing in the corner of the room.

I walk Everly over to it and buckle her into it, closing her eyes and light snores coming out of her. "most of the stuff is ready"

I nod and walk away from her and into the kitchen. I begin working through everything and setting food out and making food. "well, the birthday girl looks gorgeous laying in her swing" G walks in and smiles towards me.

"Isn't she just the sweetest thing you've ever seen" Jenna walks into the kitchen smiling. "I let myself in, hopefully that was okay" Jack quickly nods and smiles. I simply laugh and continue preparing things for the party.

"Jenna will you get my phone from the table that's by the swing that Everly is sleeping in the livingroom?" Jenna nods and walks out of the kitchen and Johnson looks towards me. "holy crap she's gorgeous" I laugh.

"how about you try talking to her instead of just creepily staring at her like a mad man?" Jack looks towards me, "i'm not creepily staring at her" G spins around in his chair "yeah you are J"

Johnson hangs his head and continues working on the thing i told him to work on. Jenna walks back in and hands me my phone. "Thanks Jenna, will you help Johnson work on the photo wall of Everly?" they both nod and walk out.

"puppy love" i laugh and continue working on the food.. "If you don't mind me asking..." G takes a breath and continues looking weary of the question he's about to ask. "what's going down between John and you?"

I stir the chocolate that is melting on the stove. "I have divorce papers sitting on my nightstand at home, i have a court date three days after christmas to see who gets custody of everly and through this all, he hasn't once said anything to me" G scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry Noelle." I shake my head, "it's life, when i walked down that isle, i thought that the only struggles we'd go through would be things we'd face together.. but no. he decided that the vows we made to each other was not real" I shake my head not looking up from the chocolate.

"Marrige, G is a commitment. You know the reason's why you have people come to your wedding and why you have a bridal party?" I look up at G and he looks back, edging me to tell him why.

"those people are there too walk through your marrige with you, help you be witnesses for your marriage that is suppose to last forever, but i can't be with a man that will cheat on me and leave my baby for drugs, sex and parties. you shouldn't get married this young."

"Anyway, now that i've made everything depressing, will you help me cover these strawberries?" G nods and stands up. He walks over, standing next to me and helping me cover the strawberries with the chocolate.

Everything is finally ready and people have just started showing up, i smile and greet everybody who gives me hugs.

John is holding Everly and walking around, greeting everybody who is here for her. I smile and mingle with everybody. I walk into the kitchen and see Jenna and Jack sitting in here, talking. "are you hiding?" Jack looks at me.

I shake my hand and take a couple deep breaths, "It's hard to see everybody from the wedding, because none of them know they were not together anymore" I put my hand over my forehead and walk out of the kitchen, smiling.

"Noelle!" John's aunt walks up and i smile, giving her a small hug and pulling away quickly. "How's being newlywed?" I cough awkwardly, looking around the room for John. We probably should've talk about this possibility and what we were planning on telling everybody. I just nod.

"Well, we aren't really newly-wed's anymore" I laugh uncomfortably, hoping she'll drop it. "well, i guess you've been married for a year, but from what i heard.. you guys didn't go on a honeymoon?" I shake my head.

"You heard correctly, we decided on not going on one because Everly was so young at the time." She nods and takes a sip of her drink. "have you guys considered going now?" I shake my head, "No actually, we're currently in no place to travel"I politely excuse myself.

I walk straight to John, who was standing there talking to my half brother, "I need to talk to you" John nods, handing Everly to my brother. We walk outside for a second and i look around, making sure nobody is around.

"People are asking me about our marriage, what should we say?" John rubs the back of his neck. "I guesss we should just answer questions truthfully. Not totally tell them that we are not together anymore, but not lying" I nod slightly.

"Have you signed the papers?" John looks towards me, and i look out at the LA skyline. "i'm in a lot of pain" I admit and John nods, leaning against the railing. "I'm sorry, i put you in so much pain Noelle, this was never my intention." I wipe a single tear away and stand up straight.

"Well, whether it was your intention or not, you're creating a crap ton of pain in my life, John." I sigh out. "Not only did you throw our marriage away, but your now trying to take Everly from me?" I look towards him and he sadly looks at me.

He opens his mouth to speak, but i stop him. "don't say another word" I walk back into the house, wiping another tear that slipped out of my eyes. "who's ready for some cake?"

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