chapter twenty-two

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"thanks for spending the day with me guys, really means a lot" i give them all hugs and they leave the house, i close the door, walking into the living.

Nate was playing with Everly in the living room, him sitting on the floor in front of her. "what are you feelings for dinner?" i look towards him.

"how about steak? i could really go for some meat" I nod and walk towards the kitchen, grabbing the steaks from the kitchen and pull a frying pan out.

I place a cutting board on the island and places some artichokes on the cutting board and place the steak in the cutting board.

i step out of the kitchen and smile at Nate who is playing with Everly. "Wine?" Nate looks up and goes wide eyes "yes please"

I walk into the kitchen and smile towards the room, i'm in love with my apartment. Nate walks into the room and takes a photo.

"the fans are gonna get annoyed by all the Instagram photos of my apartment" i laugh as my phone dings, showing that Nate tagged me in a photo.

I unlock my photo and see a photo of my kitchen and smile "well, at least you aren't posting them all yourself" Nate smirks and walks out.

SkateMaloley: "kitchen goals"

i like the photo and finish making dinner, making up plates of food for Nate, I and Everly.

I clean everything up and call Nate in, placing the plates on the table and he walks in, and puts Everly in the highchair and begins feeding her.

"Have you signed the papers yet" i look down at my food and take a bite of the food, and ignoring him.

"Noelle, why not?" He takes a bite of his food and goes back to feed Everly. "because it's not as easy as that, Nate" i sigh.

"of course it is, just sign the papers" I place my fork down and sigh. "Nate, just because i don't want to be married to him anymore, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. It hurts like hell because i loved him and i promised to love him through everything, but he did the worst thing anybody could do" I stand up.

"i need you to be considerate and give me time, because i'm not only ending my marriage, but i'm going to court and i might get my daughter taken from me" i walk away, up the stairs and into my bedroom.


I've locked myself in my bedroom for the past two hours and it's now 8:15 which means Everly needs to go to sleep, i sigh and stand up, pausing my tv show and unlocking the door, walking out.

I walk down stairs and see that everything is turned off and i walk back up stair, down the hallway into Everly's room, seeing Nate and Everly asleep in the chair in the corner of the room.

I smile and walk over to Nate and tap him on his shoulder, giving him a tight smile. "How about you guys come sleep in a bed" He groggily nods and stands up.

We all walk back into my bedroom, i close the door quietly and turn the light off, leaving my tv with providing the light in my bedroom.

Nate lays Everly down on the bed and i quickly step into my closet and grab him a pair of his sweatpants, stepping out and tossing them towards him.

I step back into the closet and quickly change into one of Jack's sweatshirts he gave me after taking all of John's away from me, leaving me with none so he gave me a bunch of his.

I turn the light off and walk over to my bed, smiling at a sleeping Nate and Everly, i get into bed, grabbing my xbox controller and turning it off, then the tv remote and turning that off too.

I set them both back on the side table and i lay down, listening to the sound of my fan and Everly's snores.

"Goodnight Noelle" Nate mumbles and i smile, not replying. oh how great is life.

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