chapter twenty

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I wake up too my alarm going off on my nightstand, i grab my phone and turn it off. Everly is asleep right next to me.

It's 6:45 and i have about an hour and a half, to get ready for today, before Nate get's here and Everly wakes up.

I get out of bed and quickly walk into my bathroom, grabbing a towel and stepping into the shower.

I was my hair and body, standing under the water for a bit, i turn the shower off and step out. I wrap my towel around my body and stand in front of the mirror.

I brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk out of the bathroom and see Everly still asleep where i left her.

I walk over to my dresser/hanging closet and grab a plain grey tank and some blue jeans.

I slip into my clothes, wrapping my hair in my towel and walking into the bathroom, starting on my makeup.

I take my hair out of the towel and put it into a ponytail. I walk out and grab Everly who is still sleeping in my arms and walk her down stairs.

Leaving a almost one year old on a bed without something to hold her up, is not a good idea. also leaving her in my bedroom alone; not a good idea.

I lay her down on the couch and walk into the kitchen, making breakfast for Nate, myself and Everly.

As i'm making breakfast there is a knock on the door, i look towards the hanging lock and it's reads 7:32

Nate sure doesn't waste anytime, i quickly run down the hallway and open the door to my flat, smiling and running back down.

"Sorry, i'm making breakfast, will you wake Everly up" i yell leaving him to walk in by himself.

Soon enough i'm placing a bowl of fruit and a cup of baby food on her highchair and place two plates of food at the table.

"you made me separate pancakes" i nod and shrug "knew you liked pancakes more then oatmeal and fruit"

"well thank you, because of that.. i'll feed Everly" i nod and begin eating my breakfast.

"unless she gets her jammies really dirty, i'm gonna keep her in those because all of her clothes are packed in boxes until we start unpacking her room"

"i'll get her cleaned up and bring her upstairs and help you" i nod and walk down the hallway and up the stairs, walking down the hall and into the room at the end of the hall.

I open the door and her crib is already built and i smile at her white crib, just incase you haven't noticed; i'm in love with white.

My entire new apartment is white and Everly's room will be white as well, the floors are a nice dark hardwood, but i have a tiny white rug i'll be putting down.

I move the grey chair into one corner, and place the white crib up against the wall, right in the middle. I make her crib and lay the blanket over the edge.

I place a plant next to the bed and her rocking horse on the white carpet i placed down on the floor.

"well, you don't even need help" Nate walks into the room and i point where i want the dresser to be.

"you get to put away all her clothes in her closet and i'll put her changing table stuff in the dresser." he nods.

I take my phone out and take a photo of her bedroom and open instagram.

@noellerobinson; "Everly's room is giving vibes out too, vibes are all over #blessedup"

I lock my phone and continue finishing up her bedroom. "this is pretty dang nice for a 1 year old" Nate looks around, pleased.

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