chapter twenty-four

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I walk through the kitchen door, seeing Jenna sitting here eating her toast, staring at her macbook.

"Everly should be awake in about an hour, i'm headed out to get coffee and some stuff for Nate. Text me or Nate if you need anything" Jenna nods.

"Everything will be good here, don't worry about anything" Jenna goes back to doing something on her computer and i grab my keys off the counter.

I walk towards to door, grabbing my sunglasses from the side table i have by the front door and lock it, walking down to my car.

I start it and begin driving towards starbucks where i've already ordered my drinks for Nate, Tez, Jacks and one other person Nate didn't tell me.

I park my car in front of the starbucks and walk in, paying for my drinks and the worker helps me carry them out.

I drive carefully towards the studio, making sure not to spill the drinks. I pull into a parking spot and grab the two drink carriers and being walking into the building.

Somebody opens the door for me, i thank him and walk past the front desk and into the elevator, pressing the floor.

The doors open and i walk down the hall and open the door, seeing Nate in the booth and people sitting around on couches.

I place the drink down on the table and grab mine, walking towards a chair and sitting down, watching Nate rap into the microphone.

Nate walks out and smiles, grabbing his coffee, along with everybody else. "thanks noelle" He kisses my cheek and sits down next to the producer.

"who's the last coffee for?" I question, looking around and seeing everybody has their coffee but there is on sitting on the counter.

"that's for swazz, he'll be back from his smoke in a minute" Tez says, not looking up from his phone.

I nod and grab my phone, looking at the time and seeing it's 8:30am. they've been here all night long and they all look tired.

"anyway, you ready to hit it?" Johnson stands up from his seat, straightening his shirt. I nod, standing up and the door opens beside me.

I look over, already knowing who it's gonna be. The one person i haven't seen in 3 weeks. I turn my body and give him a slight smile.

"Hey John" I smile and my words makes Nate spin around in his chair, watching us intently, along with everybody else.

"Hey Noelle, do you need anything for the party tomorrow?" John asks, not even acknowledging the awkwardness.

"i'm not sure, i'm go shopping now. i'll text you if anything comes up, i'm sure Everly will just be happy to see you" i cringe internally for saying that.

"well, she's already got a new daddy, why does she cares about this one" he points towards himself with his thumbs.

Jack puts his hand on my back, encouraging me to just walk out and i listen to his hint, walking right past John and down the hallway.

Jack was hot on my heels, following me into the elevator, him pressing the button and i stare at the doors.

"Noelle, don't let him get to you. you can't do anything about him not trying to keep a relationship with Everly, he shouldn't have said that" The doors open and we walk out of the building.

"Jack, he's trying to win custody over E" I look towards him, tears in my eyes and Jack doesn't say anything as we get into the car.

Silence is the only thing that fills the car, i connect my phone to the radio and begin playing Hoodie Allen.

I continue driving down the street and turn right into the stores parking lot, parking and getting out.

we walk into the store and Jack grabs a cart, and we begin getting stuff for the birthday party. "honestly, never have a kid 6 days before Christmas" I say, grabbing stuff of the shelves.

Jack laughs and continues pushing the now full cart down the isles, following my every step and grabbing the things i would ask him to grab.

"What time is it?" I ask Jack as i'm checking all my stuff out and bagging them. "4:30" I nod.


I park my car in my parking spot and help Jack carry the bags into the house, i walk down the hallways and place bags on the counter in the kitchen.

After three trips for both of us, everything was in the kitchen and i begin putting things away, and putting things in bags to go to Jack's.

The front door opens, and you can hear little baby feet padding against the floor, indicating that she was running down the hallway.

"Everly, baby slow down" Jenna calls and walks into the kitchen, smiling towards me. "oh hey"

I smile and continue putting things away, "Jack, put this in the bag for the party" i hold out the jar of peanut button, but he doesn't take it.

i look up and see him staring towards Jenna and i cough, clearly my throat and him grabbing the can, blushing slightly and putting in the box for his house.

"how was she today?" I look towards Jenna who was setting the diaper bag and her purse down by the wall and slipping out of her shoes.

"she was really good, we woke up.. had breakfast, played for awhile and then went to the zoo" Jenna smiles and walks past Johnson and grabs a juice bottle from the fridge.

"i'm actually gonna go put her down for a quick little power nap, and then i've got some stuff i've gotta work on, so i'll see you later" Jenna grabs Everly and walks upstairs.

Right when Johnson knows she's out of ear-shot range he spins his body, looking towards me. "who is that?"

I laugh and continue putting things away and into the box that's going to Jack's house. "my roommate" i shrug.


there are only 3 more chapters 😳

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