chapter five

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John Swift's POV.

Somehow i had convinced Noelle to move to LA and let me move into the room with her.

i haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet because i needed to find out why she started crying when i told her i loved her.

i'm not usually one to pry at something so personal, but i do actually love Noelle and that fact that maybe someome hurt her enough that when somebody tells her they love her.. she cries..

makes my heart hurt, because Noelle deserves to have the entire world and never to be hurt.

but i know this world is cruel and she's been hurt already, but that doesn't mean i don't want to help her and protect her.

"John, could you stop thinking so much and help me move this bed over by the window" she points to where she wants it.

"yeah, yeah.. sorry" i begin to pull the bed while she pushes.

i look her up and down while she begins to make the bed, she was wearing plain black leggings, a PINK t-shirt and nike free runs.

her hair was in a messy bun and she had her glasses on, which i loved when she wore her glasses.

"stop staring and start unpacking your clothes into the drawers" she kisses my cheek.

i turn around and begin to unpack all my clothes into the white dresser she bought for the room, everything was white.

"i feel i shouldn't be living in a all white room" i laugh slightly "why, because you're a boy?"

i nod and she scoffs "just because you're a boy doesn't mean you can't keep a room clean, plus you're sharing with me and my room IS always clean"

After moving in

"have you looked for a job?" Skate looks towards Noelle and i glared at him, Noelle doesn't have to get a job if she doesn't want to, i don't want her to feel like she NEEDS to get a job.

she nods "i was working at the nike store back in Omaha, and they transferred me to the Nike outlet store in LA"

"that's dope, i love the nike store.. now i know why you have so many pairs of free runs" Sammy laughs and continues looking down at his phone.

Noelle was sitting on the couch reading a book while Skate was looking at his MacBook and Sammy looking at his phone.

"what are you reading?" Madison asks walking into the room, Jack following her into the room.

"Four; it's the divergent series but from Four's pov" Noelle looks up quickly then returns to the page.

Madison rolls her eyes at Noelle which make Skate dirty eye Madison and then Jack shot him a glare.

none of us are really fans of Madison because she broke up Jack and Britney and we lost Britney as a friend.

"i'm gonna go read in my room" Noelle stands to her feet, putting her finger in the book to keep her spot.

Madison huffs and curls up into Jack..

"wanna go shoot some hoops?" Johnson asks looking at us all, the boys agree but Jack says' he'll sit this one out.

because of madison.

Johnson groans "but now the teams are uneven"

"i'll play" Noelle marks her place in the book and set it down, tying her hair into a pony.

"she mad good at hoops, i want her on my team" Skate says grabbing Noelle's arm and walking outside.

After basketball

"damn, ma you can really play basketball" Skate high fives Noelle.

"thanks" she smiles her amazing smile that tugs at my stomach.

"i work tomorrow from 7-3 so could i borrow somebody's car" Noelle asks looking at us, smiling.

"yeah, you can take mine" Nate tells her, "if you know how to drive a stick" she nods.

"of course, that's what i use to drive in Omaha" he nods, "i've gotta buy myself a car"

"we'll buy you one" Sam offers and she shakes her head.

"nonsense, your allowing me to live in your apartment without paying anything... you're not buying me a car too"

she does realize that we will do whatever she wanted right? like we want her to have the entire world.

"well, i'm gonna go to sleep so i can work in the morning, night guys" she hugs Johnson and Nate.

"night Noelle" sammy says walking into the kitchen, and she smile at G.

"night babe" i kiss her cheek and she walks up the stairs.

"damn swazz, you're getting with noelle?" Johnson's eyebrow raises and he high fives me.

i shake my head and sit down on the couch next to Madison and G.

Noelle Robinson's POV.

today was a chill day, but John still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend and i'm starting to get restless.

i want to be able to call him my boyfriend because i love John, but he's so confusing n shit.

i begin to get into bed and remember my book is down stairs, and i start down stairs to get it.

"is it just me or is Noelle kinda bitchy?" Madison asks the boys, i stand still and begin to listen.

"Madison, shut the fuck up" Nate snapped, G probably is glaring at him.

"she's just not very kind"

"neither are you, because people who sit around and talk bad about somebody for 'fun' isn't that nice themselves" i grab my book and walk back up the stairs.

"told you to shut the fuck up" Nate chuckled.

i slammed my door shut and laid in bed, reading my book for awhile until i was tired and laid down, closing my eyes.

when i was half way asleep, the door opened and closed swiftly and the bed dipped.

"will you be my girlfriend, Noelle" John mumbled and kissed my cheek and i fell asleep.


i got up, putting on some nike jogger's on and a simple t-shirt.

i slipped into some Nike shoes and grabbed my purse and glasses, walking out of my room.

i skip down the stairs and put my glasses on and tie my hair up.

"hey, here's my keys" i jump slightly and turn around seeing a sleepy looking Nate.

"thanks" i kiss his cheek and grab a breakfast bar and out the front door.

After work.

I walked through the door with three boxes of shoes, one for John, Nate and Sammy.

"boys, anyone home?" i yelled setting Nate's keys down.

"they're all at the studio" Madison walks down the stairs.

i nod and begin walking towards the stairs to lock myself in my bedroom until the boys get home.

"they should be home soon" i just nod, walking past her and up to my room, closing the door.

i set the shoes down and walk towards my bed, grabbing my book and beginning to read, getting lost in the paper.

"Noelle!" John was standing at the end of the bed, smiling down at me, i rub my eyes.

"i must have fallen asleep" i groan and sit up, closing my book.

"those shoes are you guys, you can choose which ones you want" i smile and he kisses me.

"be my girlfriend" i nod and he kisses me again

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