T W E N T Y - T H R E E: Kat's Demo

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---Hazel POV---

I WOKE UP to a scream.

It wasn't blood curdling, or a final breath scream, but it was filled with fear.

When I heard it, I shot out of bed and ran into the hallway. Others were opening their doors, and soon the only ones that hadn't opened were the four for the people who'd gone on the quest and...

"Nico." I whispered. Everyone followed me into his room, even Kat. When I'd opened the door into the now silent room, I found Nico, sitting up with wild eyes, covered in sweat, and breathing hard. We rushed to his side.

"Dream?" Zale asked.

"I... I guess... I don't... I don't remember anything." He gasped.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah. I... think so, anyway. What time is it?"

"Uhm. It's 6:58 am." Drew called from next to the alarm clock.

"Okay then. Well it's good we're all up I guess. We're training the campers Kat's way today, in memory and attentiveness. Kat will start with testing all of us, then split everyone up so we can all teach them. After today, we'll split the campers into two groups and they'll rotate between Kat and me. You can chose to help Kat with mental or me with physical training after today as well. Everyone meet downstairs in ten minutes."

Everyone trailed out, and I gave nicoa hug before following them.

almost an hour later, at 8:15, everyone was seated in the amphitheater. Kat was standing in the middle, waiting for everyone's chatter to die down. I heard some girls whispering to each other behind me and listened to their conversation.

"I wonder what we'll be learning today? Stormbringer, that's her name right? Well, she doesn't seem to have a weapon on her."

""I know, but she's one of mist-users. She doesn't need a weapon to defend herself."

"True." They stopped for a minute and examined Kat, who had made sure everyone remembered that we didn't actually look the way they saw us.

She changed her ethnicity every day, from Japanese to Russian to Brazilian, and so on. She even used the accent for each ethnicity too. She had gone for German today, and I could actually understand her accent.

"Maybe she'll be teaching us how to use the mist?" One of the girls murmured.

"That'd be so cool."

"That'd be very difficult." Kat said, now standing in front of me, but looking at the girls. "I'm sure Aglaia can vouch for that." I nodded and Kat looked down at me. "Would you mind helping me? And bring Aristaeus, Irene, Agamemnon and Anthea as well. Wow, A is a popular letter to start a name with." Kat shook her head and turned back around.

As she walked to the middle of the amphitheatre, I poked Selina, Beckendorf, Zoë, and Bianca and told them that we were going to help Kat when she called us up. They nodded and I returned to my seat in the now silent amphitheatre.

"Memory is a very important thing." Kat started quietly "So is creativity." Suddenly, I knew why Kat chose German today. "They can be the difference between your survival. Today, and whenever you work with me after today, we will be working on remembering directions and finding creative ways out of difficult situations. For example," She turned to me.

I glanced at the others and Zoë, Beckendorf, Bianca, Selina and I stood and joined her.

"Anthea, Agamemnon, what was the first thing I said to you when we met?"

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