T H I R T Y - T H R E E: The Revelations

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"I SAW HER." THE GIRL BEHIND MY BROTHER, Jamie, I think her name is, spoke up. She had dark skin, and her hair was in a small afro. She had earbuds hanging out of the top of her shirt, and a sword in her hand; and she breathed heavily, covered in a layer of sweat.

"I saw her last night." She repeated. "I couldn't sleep, so I was on the roof of my cabin, watching the stars and listening to the sounds of the forest. Suddenly, everything went really, really quiet. I looked down, and I saw someone, a girl, jump out of one of the windows in the Chaos Cabin, and run to the forest. She was in pajamas, and she had red and purple hair, and she looked terrified. I guess she was Kat."

I glanced at Jason. "Jamie..." He asked. "How do you know her name?"

Jamie's eyes widened. "Uh.. um..."

"Tell the truth." I prompted. "Things will be much better if you do."

Jamie sighed, before spilling. "Okay so we had free time, and we were going to ask her for more help with our magic but your cabin was empty, so we were just gonna go to the clearing we learn in, but you guys were there, and you were having a really loud discussion, like yelling and stuff, and we were gonna leave, but then someone whistled REALLY loud, and everyone else went quiet, and then someone said 'Geeze Kat, did you have to do that when I was standing right next to you?' and the person answered 'I'd say sorry, but I'm not.' and it was in a weird accent, and that's how we figured out who it was. We left after that though, to give you all privacy."

I stared at the girl, trying to remember when that had happened. Then, behind me, Luke said, "Oh, I remember that. There were only a few of us there that day. I guess we were louder than we thought."

"No kidding." I muttered. Then, to Jamie, "So you don't know any of our names?"

She shook her head.

I took a deep breath. "Did you see anything else?"

"Yeah. After a few minutes, a really bright light shot up from the clearing next to Zues' Fist. Then, all the sounds returned, and it was like nothing happened. I would have mentioned it earlier, but I thought it was a dream. I barely even remembered it had happened, until you mentioned that Storm was gone."

"Thank you. That helps a lot Jamie." I turned to the others who had followed me to Jason. I found myself facing Hazel, Selina, Beckendorf, Luke, Zoë and Bianca. "Okay, pick someone who's missing and get them, meet at the cabin. Someone needs to get the twins, but they'll probably be together anyway."

Everyone nodded and hurried off together, splitting up as they left the Arena. I turned back to my brother. "We need you too. This is bad. Whatever spooked her has to mean trouble."

"I know, but..."

"Don't worry. We're good for today." Jamie said immediately.

"It's not that." Jason said slowly. He glanced around the arena, trying to decide weather to continue or not. Finally, he said, "You six. Kat chose you out of everyone here to help more, to get close to. There's a reason for that. They already know Kat's real name. I think we should bring them in."

"Bring them in?" I asked him. "How so?" Around us, the other four students had stepped closer, paying attention to us rather than to what Jason had had them doing.

"Like, just...tell them." Jason shrugged. "Everything."

"Are you crazy?!" I had trouble keeping my voice down, but I didn't want to draw the attention of other campers. "We can't do that! We don't know them, first off-"

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