F O U R: Chaos?!

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WHOA! I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT! I don't think any of us were...

Chaos.The creator of the universe. Who knew? At least we know we can trust him now...if the stories I've heard about him are true.

But, you know, the myths about the gods aren't all that true so...maybe I should keep my guard up... But his presence is so calming! 'All the more reason not to trust him!' my brain argued back...OH MY GODS- I don't think I should use that anymore. What could I use then? Ugh! Stupid ADHD! I'll figure it out later!

ANYWHO! Back to what I was thinking earlier! OH MY GODS I'm arguing with myself! Is that normal? Cause I've never done that before. . .

I was brought out of my thoughts when Thalia said, "Wait. Chaos..as in Creator of the Universe, Primidorials and Magic Chaos? Are you for real?" Chaos nodded, as a response. "No way!" was her reaction to that.

"But what do you want with us? We're nothing special, especially compared to you!", Percy said finally recovering fully from his shock.

Thalia answered him before Chaos had a chance to speak: "First off, you are something special! The rest of us pale in comparison to your accomplishments!" The rest of us nodded in agreement here, causing him to blush. "And second, he said he had an offer for us! Don't you listen?"

"Well sorry, but when I heard him say 'I am Chaos' I was too SHOCKED to listen to everything else!"

The memory of what their previous arguments had caused damage-wise was enough to snap Jason, Nico and I out of our shock. Jason and I started to slowly back away from the two and towards Chaos, while Nico said, "Wouldn't you two rather hear Chaos' offer than argue?"

When they heard those words, the two of them froze, turned our way, and said "Yes" together.

We're lucky Nico thought of that before their powers were used, because otherwise, we would probably all be soaked (except for Percy) and/or electrocuted (except for Thalia and Jason) pretty quickly. And with that, the five of us turned to Chaos, who was chuckling at Percy and Thalia's antics, and waited for him to talk.

A/N Sorry that it is SOOOO short, but it was way longer on paper, plus this felt like a good place to end it. Sorry!


Words: 372/401


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