S E V E N: First Impressions

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--- Third Person ---

AS THE FIVE WERE LED through the palace, they looked at everything, amazed. They were at a loss for words.

As they walked, they saw classes, the Dining Hall, and the sleeping quarters. There were personal training rooms, for when you want to train alone, or there is no one else to train with, and group training rooms, for when there was a class, our you wanted to spar with someone.

Eventually, they came to a room that nobody entered or exited. Before entering, Chaos turned to the five and said, "This is the training room for the children of the big three. They also have separate sleeping quarters, because of past events and because they all live here. Most residents spend a couple hundred years in the army, then retire to the town. Now let's go in so everyone can finally meet." Then he opened the door and they all filed in.

When they entered, the five saw two groups of people, who looked to be in line by age, and one boy standing alone. Thalia and Hazel noticed that the two groups had similar features, black eyes for one of them, blue eyes for the other. Thalia guessed they were in groups based off their godly parent. After a speech that no one paid attention to, Chaos told the group of five to introduce themselves.

"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter," he said. Zeus' children waved while everyone else smiled.

"Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades."

"Hazel Levesque, Daughter of Pluto."

"Thalia Just Thalia. Daughter of Zeus."

"Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon."

When he said that, the warriors froze. Chaos said, "Yes, yes I know what you're thinking, I know you're shocked, but what's done is done and can't be changed. Now if you don't mind, introduce yourselves, oldest to youngest, state your name, both, meanings, year you joined, and how old you were when you joined. Zeus first, as usual, and so you know, Jason, Hazel, you are the first Romans to ever come here. Now, I have things to do." The five wondered what most of that meant, but didn't question it.

"Okay then? My name's Zale, my Warrior name is Íde, meaning 'thirst', I joined in 1574, and I was 11 years old, Daughter of Zeus. Welcome to the family. You look hungry! Have an Oreo!!" Zale said, offering them the box of Oreo's. She had striking aqua eyes, long black hair and tan skin. She was muscular and tall, but still looked friendly.

"Y-you joined in 1574? How're you still alive?" Jason asked.

Zale chuckled before saying, "By joining, you get immortality, plus the ability to look any age you want. Now do you want some Oreo's or not? I'm not holding the box for forever!" They each took a handful of Oreo's as realization crossed their faces. Then the introductions continued.

"Hi! My name is Clary, my warrior name is Nephele meaning 'cloudy' I joined in 1670, at 16 years old, daughter of Zeus." She had fiery red hair, sky blue eyes and fair skin and was quite short.

"Hello! My name is Dillon-"

"And I'm Drew!"

"Twin sons of Zeus!" they said together.

"My warrior name is Dike, meaning 'justice'" Dillon continued.

"And mine is Draco, meaning 'drakon'" Drew said.

"We joined in 1843, when we were 10 years old!" they finished in perfect unison causing a small laughing fit from Zale and another girl. The twins had light brown eyes, light brown hair and slightly tanned skin.

"Cameron, warrior name is Cleon, meaning 'glory' . I joined at 13 in 1593. Son of Hades." The next boy said, rather closed off-sounding. He had dark brown hair, black eyes, and dark skin.

"HI! I'm Skylar, daughter of Hades. My warrior name is Nightshade, meaning 'nightshade' and I joined in 1682, when I was 15. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!" Skylar exclaimed, joyfully, startling the five. They'd never known a child of Hades to be so...happy-go-lucky. She too had black eyes and black hair, but had purple streaks, and light skin.

"Hey, I'm Will, son of Hades, my warrior name is Evander meaning 'good man'. I joined at age 7, in 1732." He looked similar to Cameron, coffee colored skin, dark hair and black eyes. He sounded nicer and more outgoing though.

"Hello, welcome! My name is Mailene, my warrior name is Adelene, meaning 'adelene' and I joined in 1821, I was 11, daughter of Hades." She looked a lot like Skylar, only with light brown hair instead of black.

"And finally, I'm Jacob, my warrior name is Linus, meaning 'flax', funny, I know, I choose it because I like the name Linus, I also joined at 11 in 1821. Son of Poseidon."

The five were shocked, though they could see the resemblance: dark hair, green eyes, tan skin. The only difference was that Jacob was sorter, a lot shorter.

"So, why don't you go with your siblings and get to know them?" Zale asked.

"Wait. There's supposed to be ten. That's what Chaos said. But there's only nine of you here." Thalia said.

"But this is everyone. Unless he wants us to tell you about Stormbringer. But nobody knows if she's alive or not, or even if she was ever real."

"Oh I'm alive alright. And I am NO myth." someone said as they walked out of the shadows.

A/N: So. What do you think? I personally, don't like it. But it's to get the appearances of the warriors out of the way.


Words: 896/924


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