T W O: Running Again

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I GUESS I'VE ALWAYS HAD a soft spot for Percy. Maybe it's because he turned me back into a human. Maybe it's because he's the first person I met who knew, truly knew, what it was like to be a child of the big three. I've always admired his ability to cope with being the child of now two prophecies. I've always wondered how he could be so modest after everything he's accomplished.

To be honest, Percy, as a person, has always impressed me....in more ways than I'd like to admit. I guess, secretly, I've always cared for him as more than a friend.

So when I found out about Annabeth's betrayal, I felt bad for him. He was completely in love with Annabeth and she went and broke his heart. He deserves so much better. I wanted to go punch some sense into her. Instead I said "Oh my gods Percy! I'm so sorry! I-I-I can't believe her! I'm so sorry!"

Never mind her." he replied. " You said the gods want us, that they were waiting-"

"At the Big House" Nico cut him off.

"Right. Let's go." I quickly followed up, catching on that Percy probably didn't want to talk about it. Once I said that, the three of us started the dreadful walk up to the Big House to see what the gods wanted.

When we got there, we heard yelling, which wasn't exactly a good sign, seeing as that usually ended in war....

Anyway, the screaming stopped the instant the gods, Hades and Hestia included, spotted us.

Which just made me more nervous.

But what bothered me most was the looked the gods were giving us.

Hera, Demeter, Athena, Dionysus, and Ares were giving us looks of disgust. Hephaestus was working on a project and didn't seem to be paying attention. Hestia, Hades, Hermes, and Apollo were giving us looks of grief and pity. Aphrodite was nowhere to be seen.

But what bothered me most was that Artemis, Zeus, and Poseidon were giving us looks of utmost loathing. Why would Artemis give me that look? I'm her lieutenant for gods' sake! The ADHD part of my brain was wondering, off topic obviously, why Aphrodite isn't here.

Then I noticed that Jason and Hazel were there as well, which surprised me, especially since they both looked scared for their lives. But everything was explained quite quickly after that.

Zeus ordered the five of us into a line, and the gods formed a line in front of us. "You five have been sentenced to death." Zeus said bluntly. "THE REASONS," he continued before we had a chance to talk,"include the following: For Hazel, your gems and metal summoning is getting out of control. You cannot control your power, and the gems are deadly. For Nico and Jason, who is no son of mine, you cannot be trusted, you're too powerful, and should you ever turn against Olympus, you would easily be able to convince others to help and successfully revolt against us."

"For Percy," Poseidon continued, "how dare you do those awful things to camp? I thought you cared about camp and your half-brother! Obviously, I was wrong. You are no child of mine if you can do all those things and be able to live with yourself. Zach is a much better son than you. He's so honest and trustworthy. I can't believe you were ever my favorite son!" he finished, leaving us too stunned to speak. Jason and Hazel sent Percy pitiful glances, understanding how much that hurt him. Percy looked relieved to see that Jason and Hazel didn't believe Zach.

"As for you Thalia," Artemis said, "You have broken your vow. I do not know who you have fallen for, but you have fallen for someone. Do not try to deny it. You are no longer a Huntress, or my lieutenant. You are no longer immortal. You are a disgrace to both me and the rest of the Hunters. I am very disappointed in you."

"As am I girl. You are no longer considered a daughter by me." Zeus finished, as he raised his master bolt toward us.

This little speech left the others speechless while they tried to process it. I was too lost in my own thoughts to say anything. Me, fall in love? What? I'm not in love with anybody!

But a little voice in the back of my head said 'Oh really? What about the one person, that one boy, who is standing right next to you, who makes you blush when he looks at you, who you dream about, who you think about almost all the time when your not busy, think about him and say that you're not in love. Can you do that hmm? I didn't think so!'

Just as the words started to completely sink in, the presence of Hermes, Hestia, Hades, and Apollo appeared in my mind. I guess we were on a group chat is some sort, because they seemed to be talking with all of us.

'I'm so sorry my young demigods. I did all I could but they would not listen to reason. I will miss all of you.' Hestia said.

'Same for me. The REAL reason they are doing this is because they are scared of your power. They would rather kill you all and save their own hide than actually think about what they're doing and who they're hurting.' Hermes voice said.

'You are probably wondering where Aphrodite is? Well she doesn't know what's going on. We can't ever get a straight answer from her, plus, she wouldn't want to break up 'Percabeth' in her words, so Zeus just excluded her from this decision.' Apollo explained to us.

'Run, you five. We will distract them. I'm sorry this happened. None of you deserve this. I will miss you Nico, Hazel. I hope you can find a place to survive. You should try to leave the states. Percy, when I am finished, use your powers and cause an earthquake. That, with our distraction, should give you enough time to run. Goodbye.' Hades finished.

I glanced at the others. Yup, definitely a group chat.

Just as the gods, who had each been raising their own respective weapons during the talk, were about to strike, Hades, Hermes, Apollo and Hestia caused a distraction. At the same time Percy caused an earthquake, giving us enough time to run.

 'What are we gonna do now?' I thought as I ran.

A/N: The dedication goes to @4everurz13 as a thank you for the dedication on her book. Thanks again!


Words: 1084/1106


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