E L E V E N: Warrior Names and New Powers

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TO BE HONEST, I was disappointed that Kat and Bianca weren't back yet.

Why? Because I really want to meet my sister. I haven't heard a lot about her, but I've heard enough to know that I want to meet her.

So finding out that I can meet her, naturally, makes me excited.And hearing that Kat wasn't back with Bianca Di Angelo yet was pretty sad to hear, not to mention nerve wracking.

Then, Percy got everyone's attention by asking about Calypso.

"Percy." Zale started. "She wasn't there. The island itself wasn't there."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that between the time you were there, and the time I went, someone had somehow found a way to get her off Ogygia. The island fades when she's not there. I was nearly sucked into nothingness when I went."

"Oh. Wow. Ok. At least she's off the island."

"Yeah, that's the spirit." With that, we went back to waiting for Kat to return with Bianca. My sister.

While we waited, Chaos explained everything to the four who had just joined us. Once he was done with that, we sat there waiting for Kat and Bianca to show up for what could have been ten minutes or two hours.

Finally, Chaos said he'd gotten a mind message from Kat saying they were on their way, and Nico, Percy, Zoë and I got really excited. A few minutes later a portal opened in the middle of the room and out stepped Kat and -

"BIANCA!" Nico shouted before running to her. Bianca smiled and opened her arms for a hug, though she looked very confused. Zoë, Percy and I just watched, and waited for our turns. Kat smiled sadly and gently separated Nico from Bianca. Then she turned to Bianca.

"Who do you remember, who looks familiar and who do you not know at all?" Kat asked. What does that mean?

"I remember Zoë and they look familiar." Bianca gestured to Percy and Nico. "I don't know anyone else."

"W-what does that m-mean?" Nico asked worriedly.

"It means that not all of her memories are back yet. It'll be a while. Usually, close friends and family are the last remembered because there are so many memories with them. If she already remembers Zoë, than all of her memories should be back by maybe..." Kat looked thoughtful for a moment before finishing, "breakfast tomorrow."

"Percy! That's your name, right? Yeah! I remember you now!" Bianca said suddenly. Percy nodded to her, smiling.

"Make that dinnertime tonight!" Kat said wondrously. Nico smiled weakly at that.

"So, how did you find her, and bring her memories back?" Zoë asked.

"Tell you tomorrow. We need to get you thirteen turned immortal as soon as possible. You can only survive for so long in this room without being immortal you know!" Those words made my blood run cold. Does that mean I'm slowly dying by just standing in here?

Wait...that's the definition of life in general. Maybe this room just speeds up that process? You know what? I don't wanna know.

"Alright. When your name is called, come on up." Chaos said. "Kat would you please-"

"Yes, of course. Perseus Jackson? Right here please." Kat pointed to a spot about two feet away from Chaos, "And kneel." Then she backed away.

"You have been through much, done much for people and deities and, in return, have been given something you do not deserve. This is the end of your old, Olympian-ruled life." Chaos said, looking at each of us in turn. Then he drew a sword and lightly touched it on Percy's right, then left shoulders before leaving resting gently on his head like how young men got knighted in medieval times. "From this point forward, you shall be known not at Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, but as Perseus Jackson, son of Sally Jackson, God of Loyalty and Natural Disasters. Rise."

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