T W E N T Y - S I X: Hades

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---Percy POV---

"Holy crap. I didn't know that you could sing so well." Skylar said to Zale.

"I don't like to sing." Zale said grumpily. Nico and I had flat out refused to sing, because we knew we couldn't, but no one expected Zale to be able to sing.

"Well that's too bad." I said. She glared at me, then, we descended down the Stairs of Orpheus, as it was getting late, and we didn't want to be caught by mortal authorities. Plus, the entrance was starting to close, and Zale had a look on her face that made it clear that if any of us asked her to sing again, we would regret it.

"Okay, let's hope we aren't caught by the furies."

"Nico!" Zale, Skylar and I groaned together.


"Now we are going to run into them! You just had to mention it, didn't you?"

"Well I was thinking it, and now we're all prepared. So really, you should be thanking me" He grumbled.

"Whatever." Zale scowled. We could hear the sound of water, and I knew it was the River Styx. Within minutes, it was all we could hear.

Nico tried to say something, but the sound of the water was so loud I couldn't hear him.

"What?" I tried to say, but then realized that if I couldn't hear him, he wouldn't be able to hear me.

What? I MM'ed him, but he didn't seem to have gotten it.

I looked at him, and he made an M in the air twice. I nodded, and he closed his eyes. A second later I got 'strange...water...last...came.'

I looked at him confusedly, but I got the jist of it. I know. Something is wrong. I messaged back, and he looked at me strangely as well.

The stairs thinned and we had to go single file for a few minutes, before we came to the shore, and the water was louder than ever, but something was definitely wrong. We had come out at the same spot Nico and I had come out all those years ago, when I got the Curse of Achilles. I could tell because there were still bits of armor and guns partially buried in the sand.

But the water wasn't this loud last time we came, and Nico and I looked at each other warily. We all walked towards the entrance of the Underworld, and eventually the sound faded, but nothing changed in the river.

As soon as the water was quiet enough to be heard over without shouting, we stopped walking. "Something is definitely up." I said.

"Yeah. My MM'ing wasn't working properly." Nico said. This cause Zale and Skylar to freeze and walk back to us.

"Yeah, neither was mine. When you tried to message me earlier all I got was 'strange', 'water', 'last', and 'came'." I told him,

"Yeah. All I got from you was 'know' and 'wrong.'" He agreed. "I was trying to say 'This is strange. The water wasn't this loud last time we came."

"I guessed it was something along those lines. I said 'I know, something is definitely up.'"

"Yeah, our MM'ing shouldn't be affected because we're in the underworld." Zale said. "Either something or someone is blocking it, here, or something's wrong with Chaos."

"Let's hope it's the first one." I said. "Is it still working for you guys?"

Skylar and Zale looked at each other for a minute. "It's working for me." Zale said.

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