T W E L V E: Dinner and New Names

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SURPRISINGLY, THE ONLY PEOPLE who looked at us when we arrived were the people closest to us, out of surprise.

Once we had gotten food, were sitting down at a table and had started eating, I looked around the room. It was massive. The walls were painted a cream color, the tables were made of cherry wood, and the chairs were either poofs or wooden with padded seats. There were rows and rows of tables and chairs, varying from restaurant booths to high tables.

One wall was lined with all-you-can-eat buffet tables with food that varied from breakfast to dessert, American, German, French, Irish, you name, it, it was there. There were even food that were obviously from different planets. Some of it looked appetizing, some looked down right disgusting.

And the best part was, it never ran out of food. When a plate was running low on food, it automatically refilled itself. There were pictures and portraits on the walls, which I assumed were significant in some way, like the portraits might be those who died in service, or did something heroic or something. One wall had bay windows in it, looking over the city.

"First things first, code names. You all need code names. You've heard ours, and we got to choose ours. I can help you if you want. I have a list of names that would work-" Kat started.

"Wait, wait, wait. You already have names chosen for us?" Thalia cut her off.

"I've been doing this for almost 600 years. I helped to choose every name here-. "

"Not ours." Skylar said.

"Yes, even yours. I mind-messaged my ideas for your names to Chaos, who said them to you guys. It was up to you if you wanted to use it or not. I had to come up with names based off of each person's personality, actions, and I had to have one as soon as they became immortal. Yes, I already have names you can use if you like them. Would you like to hear them?" Kat sighed. We all looked at each other.

"Yeah, I'd like to hear them." I said. "I won't be able to come up with a good name." Percy nodded his head in agreement, and soon the other six agreed as well.

"OK. I'll start with you Jason, because you agreed first. I was thinking Aetius for you. It means 'eagle' in Latin. No, I didn't choose it because one of your dad's symbols is the eagle, I chose it because eagles are real leaders in the skies, creatures that are admired, as they should be. In my opinion, Zeus doesn't deserve the eagle as one of his symbols." I thought about it for a minute.

"Yeah, I like it. I'll take it. Thanks." I agreed with her. She smiled before turning to Percy.

"For you, Endymion, meaning ' to dive into, or enter' in Greek." After a second of thought Percy nodded to show he agreed because his mouth was stuffed full of food.

"For, Thalia, Aegle. It's fitting for you, considering it's Greek for 'light, radiance and glory'." Thalia perked up at the meaning. She didn't even have to think about it, before she smiled at Kat in agreement. Kat smiled back, then turned to Hazel.

"For you, Hazel, I understand you have a problem with summoning gems that are cursed?" Hazel nodded looking shocked, probably at the fact that she knew. I didn't know about this. Since when did she summon cursed gems?

"Well, with a little training, that will change: You'll be able to decide if the gem you summon will be cursed or not. And that is why the name Aglaia is perfect for you. It means 'splendor and beauty' in Greek."

Hazel smiled at her words. "I like it," she said. Kat nodded.

"I thought you would. Now for you Nico, do you still believe that you are the ghost king?" Nico shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Well, you should, because you are still. You always will be. And to remind you of that, I think your code name should be Mentor, meaning 'Spirit' in Greek." Nico thought about it for a while.

"Yeah, I like it." He nodded his head.

"Cool. Now, for you Beckendorf, I was thinking Aristaeus, 'the best' in Greek. As far as I've heard, you are the Best Hephaestus child in recent history, am I right?" Percy, Thalia, Luke, Chris, Clarisse and Silena all nodded their heads.

I had heard of him but not much. Beckendorf smiled and nodded in agreement. "I was actually thinking the same thing."

"For you Silena, I feel that the name Irene is fitting. It means 'peace' in Greek." Silena smiled, happy with the choice.

"Luke, I recommend Ajax, or 'mourner' in Greek." Luke looked shocked at the name.

"H-how did you know that I was-"

"Kronos? Mourning your past choices? I watched each and every one of your all's lives, as they happened. We all did. Just because we protect the universes doesn't mean we don't keep up with present day heroes such as each of you." That kind of does make sense. I mean, they can't spend all their time training and going on quests. Luke thought for a while, then agreed to the name.

"Now. I'm going for dessert, if you want some, come with me. we'll finish the names for the rest of you after we sit back down." We all got up and copied her actions leaving out dinner plates on the table and going to the dessert buffet. While we were in line, I asked about the plates being left on the table.

"Oh, the nymphs will clear them away while we're in line." Skylar said.

After we all had dessert, we walked back to the table together. When we got there, I saw that our dinner plates had been cleared away, like Skylar promised. I must say, this definitely beats both Camps. In Camp Jupiter, you can only have one type of meal, you can't have seconds, and though the menu is quite big, it's nothing compared to here. And in Camp Half - Blood, you only eat fruits, pizza and bar-b-q.

"So, where were we? Ah, yes, Bianca. For you, Agamemnon, or 'Whirlwind' because your life has been a whirlwind. Oh, and how is your memory coming?"

'Um, yeah, I like it. And I'm pretty sure my memory is completely back. I remember Nico anyway. I missed you." That last part was directed to Nico, obviously.

"Really? That's fantastic! That's probably the fastest anyone has ever gotten their memory back from a previous life. Anyway-"

"Wait, you mean, that's been done before?" Percy questioned.

"Yes. Only here, of course, the fates wouldn't tell the underworld judges because it would be a way to cheat death, and the gods, especially Hades don't even know it's possible. To risky, they'd use it for their loved ones far too often. Anyway, for Zoë, Anthea, meaning-"

"Blossom or flower."

"Yes. You are as beautiful as the flowers you love."

"Thank you. It's perfect."

"You're very welcome. You know, most of you just said 'I like it.' Could you possibly be less original?"

We looked at each other. She actually did have a point. I looked at the other nine for help and saw them silently laughing at us. I looked at Kat and she had a twinkle in her eye that immediately told me she was joking. I shook my head.


"Yes, seriously. Good for you for catching on. Training starts at nine tomorrow morning. Breakfast is from six to eight. Don't be late. Come on, we'll show you the rooms. Girls follow me, boys follow...the other boys. And let's go!" With that everyone stood up and left the dining room.

A/N: Chapter Twelve, done! Hope you liked it!

- Kat -

Words: 1300/1312


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