T H I R T H Y - T W O : Goddesses

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---Percy POV---


I looked at Nico, who had been with me the last time I had encountered this Goddess.


She snarled at me, but didn't try to change form. "You still have no ghosts Percy Jackson. Strangely, neither do your friends. Why is that?"

"We aren't haunted by any deaths." I told her.

Melinoe muttered something to herself. "You have been alive nearly five thousand years, and yet you have no regrets?"

"Immortality distances you from feelings." I shrugged.

"No, it does n-" Nico cut her off.

"Listen, I know we weren't on the best of terms last we met, but since things have changed, you wouldn't be able to help us, would you?"

Melinoe looked at Nico helplessly. "Help you?" She demanded.

"Yea, like, get us out of the underworld? I know you have a way out of the underworld, and you'd be rewarded greatly for helping us."

Melinoe tilted her head in interest. "Rewarded how?"

"I have this pen." Zale spoke up. She pulled a pen out of her pocket. "Whatever I draw with it, I can make real."

"Since when have you had that?" Sky asked.

"Since I asked Beckendorf to make it for me a few years ago. Point is, I can give you a reward for helping us."

"Yeah. Anything you want." I promised.


"Well, within reason of course. Not something that'll wreak havoc on the world, but, maybe, ya know, a new dress, or some more jewelry, or a staff, or maybe a pet? Any of that sound good to you?"

"Maybe not a pet. I can give you anything that's not living." Zale corrected me.

Melino considered for a moment. "Puzzles." She finally decided.

"P-puzzles?" Zale repeated.

"Puzzles." Melinoe nodded. "I want the full collection of Tula Moon Edition Ravensburger 3D Puzzles."


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"O-okay." Zale drew a large cube on the floor of the cave, then pointed to it with her 'wand'. The outline started to glow, brighter and brighter, until I had to close my eyes. When the light dimmed, I opened them, and where Zale had drawn a cube, a large cardboard box now stood.

She opened it, and pulled out a smaller white box with a picture of the Eiffel Tower in bright colorful designs on it. "These?" She asked Melinoe.

"Yes!" The goddess smiled. "That will do. Follow the path through the cave, and when it splits, take the left fork. You should be safe there."


I woke with a start. My head hurt, my chest hurt, my left leg hurt, and my right ankle hurt. My vision was blurry, but my hearing was fine. I couldn't see properly, but wherever I was, it was silent, and so for the life me, I couldn't figure out why I was awake.

Then I felt it. My body was healing itself, like I was in water. I stayed still for a few minutes, waiting for my vision to clear. When I sat up, found that I actually had been submerged in water. In a small, saltwater pool to be exact.

The pool and I were in the middle of an empty, but bright room. I had no memory of how I got here, but the only thought that crossed my mind was Where am I?

I climbed out of the shallow pool and tried to stand, but the floor moved, like it was rejecting me. I fell back into the pool with a loud splash.

When I resurfaced, someone was standing on the shore. She wore an outfit of gold that consisted of a sleeveless shirt that ended in a point where a belly button should be, and a long flowing skirt that had a small split near her feet. Her skin was tan, but in the way someone who normally didn't tan would be. Her black hair reached almost to the top of her shirt, just past her shoulders. Rising behind her was a moon, and I realized that I Was, in fact, in a barren meadow.

Oh, and she had wings. Big wings, that seemed to be made of light. In fact, all of her seemed to be emitting light, and she seemed faded, like she wasn't all there. Like having a solid form was something new for her.

"Who are you?" I heard her voice, but I didn't see her mouth move

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"Who are you?" I heard her voice, but I didn't see her mouth move. Her voice seemed too loud to have come from the women in front of me anyway, but I didn't see anyone else.

"I-.. Um.. I'm..." I wasn't sure how to answer her. Real name? Warrior name? She seems more powerful than a goddess, or even a titan. In that way, she reminded me of Chaos, but I couldn't imagine what anyone as powerful as Chaos would be doing on Earth. "Are we on Earth?"

The woman just continued to look at me. Finally, she repeated, "Who are you?"

"Percy Jackson." I said without a second thought. Immediately, the woman relaxed.

"You are one of the Missing Souls." She stated. I nodded. "Where have you been?"

"What have you done with my friends?" I countered. "And why can't I walk? And who are you?"

The woman nodded, like I deserved to know these things. "Your friends are safe, being healed in thor own special ways. You are the first awake, and I'll admit, I did not expect you to wake for another few days... Well, on Earth."

"What do you mean?"

"You were on Ogygia when it still existed, yes?" I nodded. "Time in my cave is like time in Ogygia. Hard to calculate."

"Okay. Why can't I walk? And who are you."

"I am Hemera. I am the primordial of Day. You cannot walk because of my precautions. You will not be able to walk again until I am sure weather or not you are still a Hero of Olympus."

"And how do I do that to you?" I wondered.

"You have been gone 5,000 years." It wasn't a question. "Tell me, where have you been? And why come back now?"

A/N: I wanted to continue, but this was such a good place to stop.. And I don't think I can add anything else without having to update tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed!
- Kat -

Words: 1018/1055


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