T W EN T Y - N I N E: Hestia and Hecate

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---Hazel POV---

"AGLAIA! AGLAIA, I HAVE A FAVOR." I turned to see who was calling me and found myself facing Chiron.

"Yes Chiron, what is it?"

"Would you round up the Warriors and send them to the big house? It's important, we have a meeting with the Gods to attend. Piper, do the same with the Immortal Campers please."

"Of course Chiron." Piper said immediately. We had been training the campers, but it was almost lunch time.

"Yes, we'll go find them."

"Wonderful. I'm so relieved that you all are getting along - mostly. It's wonderful really."

"We learned our lesson Chiron - Well most of us - when we came out of our trances. And we trust Chaos, right? Why shouldn't we trust his Warriors?" Piper said with a smile at me.

I smiled back, and we went to round everyone up.

"I must thank you for that - it's not often we are so graciously treated when we go to help a planet. Well, not until after we've finished helping anyway."

"That's awful. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It most certainly is not your fault. You've never left this planet."

We continued our conversation as we gathered everyone.

"So we humans, we aren't alone in the universe?"

"Not at all. Alone in this galaxy though. Space is so huge the only other beings most life forms know of other than themselves is us. And we only step in in the most dire of situations."

"This situation isn't really that dire is it?"

"Not at all. That's why we're all so confused as to why we're here. Then we were mentioned in Rachel's prophecy. Something still seems... off though."

"I agree. It's very strange."

"The best we can figure is that we were sent early, so we could learn to cooperate, and work together. That way the final battle, whenever it happens, will be much smoother."

"Perhaps." Piper said.

By this time, we had gathered everyone except Kat, who was training a small group somewhere in the forest.

"You all head to the Big House. I'll go fetch Kat." I said.

"I'll come with you. I haven't gotten to take one of Kat's classes yet, I'm curious." Piper said. "The rest of you, wait for us at the Big House."


When we found her, they were at the base of Zeus's Fist.

It was obvious that everyone with her was uncomfortable, to say the least. She was moving around a pile of rocks - the entire pile - and working with some younger campers who were moving stones.

"It's not something everyone can do." Kat was saying. "And being so nervous won't help."

"It's no wonder they're nervous." Piper whispered to me. "This was where the Battle of the Labyrinth was. Everyone avoids this clearing like the plague."

"She probably doesn't know about that. Or she doesn't care. Probably both." I whispered back. "If she does know, she probably brought them here on purpose."

"I can't ... I can't do it!" One little girl groaned. She collapsed on the ground in an 'I-give-up' gesture.

"Yes you can, Dove. You had it floating. I picked you all because you can all do it, you just have to focus. Working with the mist isn't easy, like any other skill, it takes practice."

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