S I X: Meeting the Newbies

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From planet three.


This means more children of the big three.

Which means I have to meet them.

Well I don't, but Chaos says I should come down and meet everyone in person. The only person I've talked to (and the only living thing that has seen me) in person since 1414 is...well only Chaos. So I wonder how this will go...

The other nine were lined up according to age and parent, as asked by Chaos, when he messaged us to say he was coming with new recruits. I was watching everything from above, in the rafters. It's a place only I can get to, though I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who's ever tried.

When Chaos walked in with five teenagers following behind him, two girls and three boys, the others stood to attention immediately. Chaos started his welcome speech and I zoned out, studying the teenagers.

The first boy had close-cropped blond hair, blue eyes and a scar on his upper lip. The boy next to him had pale skin, black eyes and shaggy black hair. Next to him stood the first girl. She had dark skin, gold eyes and frizzy brown hair. The other girl had electric blue eyes, short black hair and fair skin. Next to her was the final boy, who had tan skin, black hair and sea green eyes.

Looks like we got children of all three this time. That's a first. The last boy was obviously a son of Poseidon, I mean he's practically a carbon copy of the idiot! But hey, new brother! The second boy had all dark colors on, so my guess is child of Hades. And only a child of Zeus could have eyes the shade of Electric Eyes over there. So yup, children of all three of the big three this time! I zoned back in as when Chaos had them introduce themselves. Blondie started.

"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter," he said. Zeus' children waved while everyone else smiled. I know the same will happen for all five of them: smiles from everyone, waves from the siblings. Next up was Pale Face.

"Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades."

"Hazel Levesque, Daughter of Pluto."

"Thalia. Just Thalia. Daughter of Zeus."

"Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon."

When he said that, we all froze. We know ALL about Percy Jackson (who says that just because we protect the universe means we can't keep up with modern day heroes hmm?) The fact that he was exiled is big news. The others looked at each other, shocked before Jacob, the only child of Poseidon that they know of, started jumping up and down while smiling and waving like he's possessed by sugar.

Before anyone could say anything though, Chaos said " Yes, yes I know what you're thinking, I know you're shocked, but what's done is done and can't be changed. Now if you don't mind, introduce yourselves, oldest to youngest, state your name, both, meanings, year you joined, and how old you were when you joined. Zeus first, as usual, and so you know, Jason, Hazel, you are the first Romans to ever come here. Now, I have things to do."

'And Kat?You're in charge. Please explain things to them. It's time you started talking to others. And I don't count. You know that.' he said in my head before flashing out.

"Okay then? My name's Zale, my Warrior name is Íde, meaning 'thirst', I joined in 1574, and I was 11 years old, Daughter of Zeus. Welcome to the family. You look hungry! Have an Oreo!!" Zale said, offering them the box of Oreo's she had been munching on before they arrived (she used her power over wind to bring it to her) The five teens looked shocked.

"Y-you joined in 1574? How're you still alive?" Jason asked.

Zale chuckled before saying, "By joining, you get immortality, plus the ability to look any age you want. Now do you want some Oreo's or not? I'm not holding out the box for forever!" They each took a handful of Oreo's as realization crossed their faces. Then the introductions continued.

"Hi! My name is Clary, my warrior name is Nephele meaning 'cloudy' I joined in 1670at 16 years old, daughter of Zeus." Next up was the twins...oh this'll be good!

"Hello! My name is Dillon-"

"And I'm Drew!"

"Twin sons of Zeus!" they said together.

"My warrior name is Dike, meaning 'justice'" Dillon continued.

"And mine is Draco, meaning 'drakon'" Drew said.

"We joined in 1843, when we were 10 years old!" they finished in perfect unison.

I smiled at their antics. The two of them, along with Zale and Skylar, are the jokers of the group, almost as bad as Hermes children, and soon, I hope to be one of them, though I'm FAR worse than any Hermes child. The newbies faces were hilarious: some seemed like they were used to it, but still a little weirded out, but the rest looked totally freaked out!

Then Cameron restarted the intros, cutting off a small laughing fit from Zale and Skylar.

"Cameron, warrior name is Cleon, meaning 'glory' . I joined at 13 in 1593. Son of Hades" Ahh Cameron. Still being his usual closed-off self in front of 'strangers'. I know you look up to Percy...everyone looks up to him....except me...

"HI! I'm Skylar, daughter of Hades. My warrior name is Nightshade, meaning 'nightshade' and I joined in 1682, when I was 15. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!" Skylar exclaimed, as happy as ever. Strange child of Hades.

"Hey, I'm Will, son of Hades, my warrior name is Evander meaning 'good man'. I joined at age 7, in 1732."

"Hello, welcome! My name is Mailene, my warrior name is Adelene, meaning 'adelene' and I joined in 1821, I was 11, daughter of Hades."

"And finally, I'm Jacob, my warrior name is Linus, meaning 'flax', funny, I know, I choose it because I like the name Linus, I also joined at 11 in 1821. Son of Poseidon." Percy looked the most amazed. Guess he was the only child of Poseidon on Earth. Well then, they're in for a big surprise when I reveal myself!!

"So, why don't you go with your siblings and get to know them?" Zale asked.

"Wait. There's supposed to be ten. That's what Chaos said. But there's only nine of you here." Thalia said.

"But this is everyone. Unless he wants us to tell you about Stormbringer. But nobody knows if she's alive or not, or even if she was ever real." This is when I decided to reveal myself.

"Oh I'm alive alright. And I am NO myth." I said, drawing their attention.

A/N: So, what do you think?

Dedication goes to @dtrisperf100 for their comment on the last part!!


Words: 1123/1144


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