T W E N T Y - F O U R : The Questers Return

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---Jason POV---

SEVERAL YEARS AGO, Cameron, Jacob and I went on a Mission. We had to destroy a planet, that had been taken over by a race of aliens. They were disgusting things, slimy, smart, and ginormous. They were plotting to take over the Universe (yes, the entire universe) and had started by controlling the galaxy they were in from one small planet that they had made. Because it wasn't a planet created by Chaos himself, he couldn't destroy it, so he sent us to do it for him.

While we were there, I got captured, as part of the plan, and I saw awful things. I didn't speak for almost three months after that mission, and was very wary of all missions since. I had never forgotten what I'd seen, and even Chaos himself couldn't block the memories. I've never told anyone what had happened while I was a 'prisoner', and I never plan on telling anyone either.

I had seen awful things, but when Skylar, Thalia, Jacob, Luke, Will, Leo, Reyna and Piper returned from their part of the quest, they seemed to have experienced something worse that what I had seen during that mission.

I hadn't previously know that was possible, but they looked awful, terrified, and completely ready to give up.

When they had arrived, Percy and I had been training a handful of eager campers. They'd asked me to train them, and he couldn't resist the youngest girl's pleading face.

"Please?" She had whispered. "None of the campers will teach us. They're obsessed over Stormbringer's impossible tasks, or that I'm too young. I'm not too young! I need to be able to defend myself from the real world!"

I looked at Percy. She reminds me of Annabeth, before she... you know. She was the same way. She wanted a quest more than anything else in the world. She wanted to go into the real world, to find out if she was good enough. She never would have asked for help training though. He MM'ed me.

What do you say then? I replied.

Percy looked at the little girl, who was no older than eight years old. Let's do it.

"Sure." I said out loud. The little girl, who was still rambling about the older campers, stopped talking.

"Sure?" She repeated.

"Yeah. We'll train you. I agree, you need to know how to defend yourself, no matter how young you are. What's your name little one?" Percy said, squatting down to her level.

The brown haired girl looked at him, as if trying to decide weather we were serious or not. "Dove." She said finally. "Dove St. Claire."

"And how old are you?"

"I'm seven whole years." She said proudly.

"And who is your godly parent, Ms Seven-Year-Old, Dove St. Claire?" Percy asked.

She looked down and mumbled something.

"What was that?" Percy asked.

"Aphrodite." She said louder.

"Are you ashamed of that?"

"No.... But everyone always judges me because all of my siblings are into fashion and beauty, but I like to fight."

"What about Piper?"

"Piper is so busy running the camp and trying to find Percy Jackson and the Missing Souls that she barely has time to lead her cabin to dinner. She doesn't even know half of our names, let alone that I exist. She tries her best, but she's always so busy.... Piper is viewed as how the Aphrodite campers used to be, not how they are today."

"Well that's not fair. We'll have to talk to her then, won't we?" I asked. I continued before Dove could reply. "What about the rest of you? Wait...are you the people from the other day? When K- Stormbringer asked for volunteers?"

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