N I N E: Saves

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WHEN KAT STOPPED TALKING, I took the silence to examine her. Her eyes were the first thing I noticed. She had mesmerizing multicolored eyes. Like seriously her eyes were insane. They were blue on the edge, but about halfway to the pupil, they started transitioning to a light green, then they turned dark green, before they formed a really thin rim of gold around her pupil. They were scary because she was glaring at the wall, but they had this harsh beautifulness to them that just made them stand out, even without the eyeliner.

Now, I don't want you thinking I've turned lesbian and have a crush on her or anything, but this is really the only way to describe her eyes.

Then, I looked at her hair. It was a sun kissed strawberry brown color with purple tips, and was twisted into a side braid over her right shoulder. It looked awesome.

Next, I looked at her clothes and instantly liked her: She was wearing brown combat boots and a brown leather jacket! She was also wearing an off-white tee that said 'Lost in a Dream' and ripped leggings that looked like dark wash jeans. I knew we were going to be friends.

Before I could ask where I could get a jacket like hers, Chaos walked in and said, "Ah Kat! Good! You've introduced yourself without my help! Fantastic! I thought for sure I would have to drag you down from the ceiling beams." Kat glared at him. "Anyway! Come along everyone! It's time to give these five their warrior names and powers!" he finished.

Percy, Nico, Jason, Hazel and I looked at him confused. Kat smirked at us. The other nine looked at Chaos, then us with excitement clear in their eyes. What?

We were led to a giant room that was completely empty.

Like, seriously, there was literally nothing in there! The room was still awesome though. It was circular, with hardwood floors and bright lighting. Other than that though, you could probably be standing in space. In other words : It. Was. Amazing.

"So, you may be wondering why you're here, if you're not admiring the beauty of the view of course." Chaos began, looking at the five of us. "Well the answer to that is simple: if you want to serve in my army, you have to be immortal. To be immortal, you have to be a god. Now you must understand that this immortality is not the same as the immortality of the Olympians, but rather what you would get if you were to join the Hunters of Artemis." I winced at the reminder, but shook off the memories. "Before I make you immortal, I will offer you all the same offer the others got: a friend. Each of you can bring one, and only one, friend to join you here in my army, but only on one condition: he or she must already be dead. Go ahead, talk about it."

We all perked up at this. Bring back a friend? Who had previously died? Really? The five of us talked it out quickly agreeing on some, bickering over others and eventually, narrowed it down to six people: Zoë Nightshade, Bianca Di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Charles Beckendorf, Selina Beauregard and Calypso, even though she's not dead. That's Percy always wanting to keep his promises.

We were arguing amongst ourselves, Percy and I saying we should at least ask about Calypso and Bianca, Nico and Jason saying that the person had to be dead for Calypso and that Bianca's not there anymore, when Kat came up to us.

"What are you arguing about?" she asked with amusement clear in her eyes.

"Who to save," I sighed. " We narrowed it down to six, but we can't narrow it down any further." I finished as Zale came up behind Kat.

"Obviously." She replied. "That's what you've been talking about for the last 15 minutes. I think there's more to it than just that, based on what I heard a couple minutes ago. You were getting pretty loud you know. Care to explain?"

"Sure." Jason replied. "Percy wants to rescue Calypso even though she's alive and Thalia wants to rescue a girl named Bianca Di Angelo, Nico's sister, but Nico says its not possible because she tried for rebirth and isn't in the underworld anymore. That would get it down to four, bu-"

"It's possible." Kat interrupted him.

"What is?"

"All of it. Rescuing more than five of your friends, getting Calypso even though she's alive, getting Bianca even though she tried for rebirth. It's all possible."

"Really? How?" Percy demanded.

Kat sighed. "Chaos only wants the people you choose to save to be dead because its easier to retrieve them that way. Whoever you decide to rescue, you have to find and retrieve yourself. If you rescue someone who's still alive, it'll raise questions, having someone just disappear off the face of the Earth. Literally. Calypso, on the other hand, won't raise questions because she's isolated and stuff, so you can rescue her if you want to."

"As for rescuing all six of your friends, well. All of us still have our saves. None of us had anyone but ourselves, except the twins. They had each other. None of has ever had anyone we wanted to save. Someone here will be willing to use their save on one of your friends. I'm not sure about the Bianca Girl though." Zale continued.

"Easy. Leave her to me." Kat responded.

"So you'll use your save on Bianca?" Kat nodded. "Great. I'll use my save on Calypso because males can only find her island once a lifetime." Zale smiled.

"So that's settled. You guys figure out who's gonna save who, then we'll all tell Chaos together." Kat said.

"One question before you go-what are you the goddess of?" I questioned her.

"Me? I'm the goddess of the betrayed and forgotten. It's only fitting you know. After all, I am the first one." she answered, then joined the others, leaving the five of us to think about her words.

"Well. Let's get this sorted shall we?" I asked once she was gone.

So here's what we came up with:

Percy - Beckendorf

Thalia - Zoë Nightshade

Nico - Bianca

Hazel - Selina

Jason - Luke

Zale - Calypso

We decided Nico would use his save on Bianca, but Kat would get her, because she was the only one who knew how. Zale would get Calypso, as planned, because Calypso was alive and Zale was female.

When we told Chaos, he seemed pleased, before teleporting the five of us to the underworld to find the four who were there, with Skylar for guidance and the portal back.

A/N: That's Chapter 9! Enjoy!


Words: 1115/1124


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