T W E N T Y - S E V E N: Messages Galore

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---Thalia POV---

You know that feeling you get when something is wrong? When everything seems right, but you just know something is off, and you can't figure out what it is?

I have that feeling right now - and it's been here for days.

I can't figure out what's wrong, but I know something is off. Zoë, Selina and Hazel agree, but they can't figure it out either. We were discussing this when Jason and Kat came in.

"Thalia..." Jason panted. "Come on. You're late."

"Late? For what?" Jason looked at me incredulously.

"For the Lesson." He looked at me with worry filled eyes. "You're teaching in place of Zale, remember?"

"What? No, I don't remember." I glanced around the mostly empty cabin. "When was this decided?"

"Yesterday!" Jason said immediately. "Just last night. We were all on MM, remember?"

"MM?" I looked him in confusion. "We didn't MM last night."

"Yes we did. We-"

"No we didn't!" I cut him off. I hadn't MM'ed anyone - I had been too tired. "Or, I didn't. You might have, but I was not included." I amended.

"Ye-" Jason was interrupted by Jacob opening the door.

"Thalia!" He almost yelled when he spotted me. "Why aren't you responding to my MM's?"

"What MM's?" I was thoroughly confused now. "I'm not getting any MM's!"

"What?" Kat said quietly.

"I haven't gotten any MM's in days!" I burst out.

"That's not possible. Jason and Jacob said in unison.

"We've been MM'ing to communicate since the others left for the Pit!" Jason continued.

"Well, I haven't gotten any!" By this point, I was frustrated as well as confused and I was starting to raise my voice.

"Neither have I!" Selina, Hazel and Zoë said together, voices filled with panic.

"What? That's so not true!" Jacob was shouting now too. "You were all there last night! Weren't you?" The last bit was quieter, as if he really wasn't sure.

"No!" The girls and I yelled together.

We kept talking over each other, arguing over what had happened and what could possibly have happened. The rest of the Omega Unit came in, and joined the argument once they knew what was happening. At least half of them were on my side.

Suddenly, "SHUT UP!" rang through the room. We all froze and did as we were told. Kat was staring at us, annoyance in her features. "If you haven't been getting any MM's, got to that side of the room." Kat pointed to the left. "And if you have been getting MM's, go to this side of the room." Kat pointed to the right. "And if it's been fuzzy, stay in the middle."

Hazel, Selina, Zoë, Dillon, Clary and I moved to the left.

Jacob, Jason, Bianca, Beckendorf, Cameron and Will moved to the right.

Mailene, Luke, Drew and Kat remained in the middle.

"Okay. You guys," She pointed at the people MM'ing was working for. "Look at the person across from you, and try to message them. Ignore us in the middle."

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