T H I R T Y - O N E: Trust Your Instincts

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---Kat POV---

I WAS EXHAUSTED. I really was. After a long day of teaching, and constantly being questioned, I just wanted to sleep. Without dreams, preferably.

So, instead of going to the Dining Pavilion for dinner, I went to the Chaos Cabin, where I ate some soup, then crashed on my bed.

Unfortunately, I didn't sleep through the night.

When I opened my eyes, I was standing in Chaos's Immortalization Room. The floor was gold, and the walls and ceiling were the surrounding space.

Except instead of thousands of galaxies shining through the windows, it was just dark, empty space. Then I realized that this room wasn't empty.

Pedestals made of gold lined the walls in five foot intervals. They held a wide range of things, from shining crystal balls and figurines of all kinds of creatures, to books that floated, and vials of strange things, both liquid, and solid.

Then I noticed the statues. Standing the the centre of the room were two solid gold statues that seemed to be an extension of the floor. One looked exactly like Chaos, just in solid gold. The other was a woman, who stood regally and commandingly, as if everyone in all of existence was under her control, even Chaos.

"Thank you for coming darling."

I whirled around at the sound of a voice, and in front of me stood the women from the statue, except she was not gold. Her hair was long and black, and floated around her despite the absence of wind. Her eyes were reversed, like Chaos's: a white iris and black selera. Her robes also floated around her, and also like Chaos's clothes, showed an ever changing scene of the universe.

"Who are you?" I asked in fear. This was not Chaos.

"I am Order." She said with a small smile. "I am Chaos's twin sister."

"Twin?" I was confused. "Chaos never mentioned a twin."

"He wouldn't. He and I are..." Order paused, as if trying to find the right word. "Not in agreement right now."

"Okay." I could feel the power radiating off her, like with Chaos. "So, why am I here?"

"Chaos and I are not immortal, however much Chaos wishes us to be." I stared at her. "In fact, I'm sure he's never mentioned this either, the two of us are not the original Chaos and Order. They died, long ago." I kept staring at her. "Every so often, an inheritor must be chosen, to become the new Chaos and Order. Besides the originals, there have been three other incarnations before Cameron and myself."

"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that you and Chaos aren't as old as the universe?" They had to be, this was insane!

Her smile grew. "Not even close"

"Why has Chaos never mentioned this?" If she was telling the truth, this was something Chaos should have mentioned.

"Let me finish explaining and you'll understand." I nodded.

"Okay. Go on."

"The two who were Chaos and Order before Cameron and I, that's Chaos's real name, by the way, got in a fight. When it came time to choose inheritors, they broke the rules, and chose family, and even worse, twins, rather than lovers or friends. They pitted us against each other, and left us to fight each other for them. Then, Cameron decided he wanted to wipe out everything and start again. When I learned of this plan, I snuck into his castle and stole his power of destruction. I have grown quite fond of the universe as it is, you see.

The Forgotten Heroes || PJOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora