T H I R T Y: Where Things Went Wrong

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---Jason POV---

RULE NUMBER ONE of working in a team: Never abandon your team. No matter what, you inform everyone of what's happening, so if something happens, you don't have to explain stuff.

This is crucial, because you could go do something stupid that could jeopardize the mission if you don't run it past the team first. Plus, this way, when you're needed, you can be found.

So here's where things went wrong.

Like, really, really wrong.


"That's it Dove, do it again." Dove did a chest thrust, then a disarming move. "Alright! You've got it! To make it muscle memory, do 50 repetitions on a dummy, ok?"

"Got it!" The small girl ran over to a dummy and started counting. I smiled at her never-ending enthusiasm, before turning to Taylor and Anya, who were sparing each other.

"Great girls, you've really improved. How long did you spar for this time?" I asked with interest, once they were done. The two were getting more and more evenly matched, but Taylor still had the upper hand. She did come here almost two years before Anya though.

"About...um," Anya thought for a moment while she caught her breath. "Maybe, ten minutes." She decided, defeated.

"Great, that's great. Don't be discouraged Anya, though she's younger, Taylor has been at Camp, you said two years longer, correct?"

"Yea, almost two." Taylor nodded. Then she smiled at the older girl. "Don't worry Anya, you'll get there. It's just muscle memory."

"She's right." I confirmed warmly. "Catch your breath and go again."

They nodded, and got into a fighting stance, and I turned to Rudy and Soren, who are a dead even match. I watched them for a few minutes, then moved on to Jamie, who was hacking at a dummy.

"How's it going Jamie?" She didn't reply. "Jamie?" I waved wildly at her, but she didn't notice. "Hey, JAMIE!" She froze. "Over here." I ducked as she swung at me. "Whoa, hey. It's just me."

She took her earbuds out with a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I was focused."

"That's fine." I laughed. "Just pay more attention to your surroundings. Maybe lower the volume of the music. How are you doing?"

"I'm pretty good I think. Can you tell me whether I'm doing this right?"

"Of course." I watched her do a complicated disarming maneuver. "That's perfect Jamie. Move on to something else for now. Do you need any ideas?"

"Yea, I'm out of things to practice."

"Alright, come here. Did you ever do gymnastics or self defense any kind?"

She nodded. "Gymnastics."

"Good." I showed her a flying back kick. "This is especially useful on tall enemies, like cyclopes. If you aim right, you can hit them in the eye, which will blind or stun them long enough to get in some good hits, if you're quick. It's a complicated move, so we'll work up to it, but-"

"Aetius! Aetius, come quick!" Someone interrupted me. I turned around and found several Warriors rushing over.

"Hold on a moment." I told Jamie, who nodded. I turned to the other WArriors. "What's wrong?"

"It's Storm!" Thalia exclaimed. She could barely talk she was so worried. "No one has seen her all day, and she didn't show up for her class, so I went to check her room, but it's empty! Aetius, she's gone!"


Dove St. Claire, 7, Aphrodite, Native American, f
Rudy Steiner, 12, Nike, White, m
Soren Case, 13, Demeter, Latino, m
Taylor Person, 14, Iris, White, f
Anya Cooper-Hynell, 15, Athena, Indian, f
Jamie Morrison, 16, Hephaestus, African f

That's all I got, I'll edit the other chapter later. Maybe.
Other than that, sorry it's short, but I'll update again by Wednesday, I promise.

- Kat -

Words: 556/633


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