✌️Chapter Eleven✌

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Austin's POV

I opened the door after Robert or Alex knocked on it singling for them to be quiet. "Why?" Robert asked whispering. "Zia fell asleep she had a mini anxiety attack." They nodded walking in quietly. "So this is who you've been chasing after?" I nodded smiling. "She's the girl I want to marry guys." They looked at me Robert giving me a weird look and Alex smiling at me. "Youu don't know anything about her Austin." Robert said looking at me then her then back at me. "That's what I'm trying to do dip shit." He glared at me playfully taking at seat on a recliner across from Zia. "Well what do you know about her so far?" He asked smirking. "Nothing BUT I know she's stubborn and lost a sister but she doesn't even know why she told me that." He nodded slowly. "And she can fall asleep pretty fast she wasn't lying for for even 30 seconds and was out." Alex chuckled sitting down next to Zia carefully in since she had curled into a ball while asleep. "She's beautiful I can tell you that great pick." Alex smiled making me smile. "Ha yeah thanks."

"Why is she wearing a jacket?" Alex asked breaking the comfortable silence. "I don't know all she said was that 'maybe it's cold to me'." Alex nodded again looking down at her frowning. "So when are we moving?" Robert asked changing the subject. "Rob I don't know we all have to put our savings together anyway." I sighed looming over to Alex who now had his eyebrows scrunched still looking at Zia looking to be thinking pretty hard. "Alex bro you alright?" He jumped blinking and nodding. "Yeah I was just trying to think of why she would have a jacket on and can't figure it out."

"Alex don't worry about it maybe it is cold to her."

What I didn't know was I was totally wrong and Alex did know why she had a jacket on.

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