Chapter Sixy-Nine

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**Few Months Later**

Zia's POV

I scrolled the through the comments on the video me and Austin did months ago.

He's deleted all the hateful comments I saw only one with a lot of thumbs down and replies.

I know I shouldn't even be looking at them.

But, how can I not stay away?

I read the replies.

First it was the actual hate comment.

She's needs to die like if you agree :)

There was 3 likes 100 dislikes and many many many replies.

'No, you should go die.' Was the most recent one.

'What do you mean? Why should she go die? What did she ever do to you? She's done nothing but spend time with Austin your just a jealous person who wants everything they can't have you'll get your day.' I smiled slightly at that thumbing it up.

'She shouldn't go die you should go die she's a talented girl is very beautiful I totally ship it.' I really broke a smile clicking the thumbs up.

The desktop cut off making me jump.

"Why are you on those?" I heard Austin ask.

I looked down at the keyboard not looking at him.

"You know I don't want to go through with what happened last time again none of us do."

"I was just curious." I whispered.

"Z I know but you know words can hurt."

"I want to make another video." I told him not looking up.

"That's not a good idea." He replied.

"I said I want to make another video." I said ago looking up.

"I said-."

"I want to make another one!"

"Fine make one but when you get hate I'll surely say I told you so."

"Pick the song I'll get the camera one by yourself?"

"One with you again."

"Okay." Austin sighed going to the closet.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait *sigh* school as always is keeping me from updating but I only have 2 weeks left!!!!

1 vote= faster but short update

2 comments= faster and a longer chapter (just a little bit longer)

1 vote 2 comments= faster and longer chapter (way longer than normal)

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