✂️Chapter Thirteen✂️

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Zia's POV

Me and Alex were getting along pretty well as Robert was still sleeping and Austin also fell asleep at the last 30 minutes of whatever they were watching. (Ted two) "So Zia how old are you?" Alex asked. "15." I don't stutter as much as I did earlier I've gotten to know Alex with his constant questioning and him telling me things about him. "Wow! I'm almost 20!" I giggled. "Then why are you still in high school?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Because I've been held back duh!" He said playfully rolling his eyes.

"Alright Mr. Bad ass." He widened his eyes. "You cussed!" He chuckled surprised I cussed since I kept correcting him every time he cussed. "Yeah ya'll sure do rub off fast.

"Bye Zia." Alex said waving as him and Robert went out the door. "Don't let the door hit you Robert!" I called giggling.

Robert had to wake up to go home and he looks like he drank a lot of alcohol.

"I can take you home now." Austin sighed. "Yeah you can do that." He grabbed his keys off the table leading me out of the house.

"So how did you like the guys?" He asked turning his head towards me. "I only got to know Alex! You fell asleep when your the one who wanted to get to know me." I said rolling my eyes. "But I like Alex he's better than you." I turned my head towards the window. "Well sorry that movie was boring to me Alex is the one who rented it." I didn't answer and kept my gaze out the window.

"Pick you up tomorrow?" He asked smiling as he pulled into my driveway. "No Alex is I asked him to." I said grabbing my backpack and slammed his door.

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