Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Austin's outfit^^

Zia's POV

"I'll go get the boys they'll be so happy!" The nurse exclaimed changing the subject.


She walked out the room and sighed laying my head back.

Why is my life so messed up?

Why am I hated?

Why am I a reject?

Why am I a outcast?!

"Hey Zi." I heard Alex whisper.

"Alex?" I croaked.

"Yes...hey shh." He said rubbing my hand.

"Where's the others?" I asked.

"They went home to freshen up they didn't want to scare you away." He chuckled.

"And the nurse said you might get to go home so their also getting clothes for you."

"I get to go home?" I asked eyes twinkling.

"Maybe Z maybe."


Austin's POV

"Ok let's get him!" I said pointing to a orange-ish brown kitten.

"He looks like something Zia will love." Robert said picking him up.

"What's his name say?"

"Um..." Robert looked at the collar.


"We don't even need to change that unless Zia wants to."

"We getting him?"

"Yup." I replied and we walked to the cashier.

"Hello! Have you found what you wanted?" The cashier asked.

"Yeah, this kitten right here."

"Ok, oh Leo! He's the perfect choice he's lovable and sweet very playful to."

"Then he's really perfect for Zia! Austin you made a great choice."

"Well, he just stood out."

"You have a girlfriend?" The cashier asked disappointed?

"No, but he's working on it." Robert chuckled nudging me.

"Oh! What does she look like? I bet she's beautiful!"

"She is! I'll show you a picture." I took out my phone and showed her the picture Zia took.

"I'm prettier." I heard her mumble.

"Excuse me?" Me and Robert both said.

"Um nothing you are free to leave Leo's all yours."

"If like speak to a manger if that's possible." I seethed.

"He's not in at moment what can I do for you?" I turned around to see a man who looks 30.

"She's being very rude and disrespectful and seems to be flirting with customers!"

"Lexi! This is the third complainant with flirting and being rude! I'm afraid the boss will have to fire you when he gets back."

"What?! No that's not fair!"

"Yes it very much is! You two can go I'll take care of the cats payment and stuff.


Alex's POV

Zia fell asleep while we watched the hospitals TV waiting for Austin.

"Hey Alex." I heard them whisper.

"What took you guys so long?!"

"We got Zia something here's her clothes the nurses said she could come home with me."

"They have everything cleared up?"

"Yep her dad is in jail for a couple days and her mom is to."

"Just a couple days?!"

"Yeah because they didn't find any bruising."

Next update: Tomorrow!

Shout out goes to: MikaylaTavernier

Read her books their like GOALS

Question of the day: What would you like to see in furture chapters?


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