Chapter Seventy-Seven

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My lock screen ^^

Robert's POV (Hello Rob! Haven't seen you in a little while!)

I walked down the street sighing.

Austin has been busy with singing. Zia has been busy with kids. Alex never stays home.

And here I am all by myself.

I looked around enjoying the sounds of nature.

I kicked a piece of paper down the road as I took my walk before throwing it away when I passed a trash can.

You won't how much trash I've picked up already.

I looked at a couple struggling to pick up a box and decided to help.

I walked up the their side walk steps and smiled. "Need help?" The girl nodded and the guy glared.

"No." He replied harshly.

"Cody! Don't be so mean! And please we do need help." The lady replied.

"Okay which side do you want me to pick up?" I asked her the Cody guy still glaring.

"The one you're already on will be fine." I nodded and picked up the side of the box.

With all three of us it was easy to carry. I helped carry it up the stairs and into their house sitting it in the middle of it looks to be the kitchen floor.

"Thank you so much!" The woman said holding her hand out. "It's no problem." I smiled shaking her hand. 

"How can I repay you for helping us?" She asked.

"No need to its fine, really."

"No! You helped us how can we help you?"

"Kim! Sh! He said he didn't need help let him go!" I glared slightly at him.

What's with this dude?

"I have to go, have a nice day you two." I replied waving and rushing out.

How can she stand him?

Alex's POV

Ally had came to get the kids and I honestly didn't want Camryn to leave. She's just so cute and cuddly!

Kids sure are exhausting though.

I sighed as soon as I hit my bed two jumped out noticing I landed on something.

"Agh!" I heard someone say then looked up to see Zia.

"Holy shit! I'm sorry Z!"

"It's fine it's fine." She mumbled.

"Why are you in here anyway?" I asked climbing back on my bed.

"Austin." She replied simply.

"What'd he do?!" I asked.

"How does he not know you? He thought you were lying about something so serious?" She lifted up.

"I don't know...but don't worry about that Z."

Sorry I haven't updated!! Ahh!!!! I just got Internet back and got out of the hospital so..yeah. Super sorry!!!

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