Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Zia's POV

"Let's sit down over there." Austin smiled taking my hand in his.

"This is so beautiful." I smiled looking around.

"Like you." I laughed a little shaking my head.

"So I know that you love snacking on lemons with salt so I have that Alex said he'll fix his famous spaghetti." Austin smiled.

"Oh my lord that's the best spaghetti I've ever tasted." I told Austin mouth watering making him chuckle.

"I know he should bring it in a few minutes." Austin gave me lemons and sprinkled salt on them.

"This is my first time trying this." Austin said.

"It's super good you'll love it Austin." I smiled nudging him.

He shook his head smiling grabbing a lemon sprinkling some salt on his.

"On three." I told Austin.

"One, two, three." I took a bite moaning at the taste.

I looked over at Austin and his face was scrunched up making me laugh.

"It's so sour but so good." He said.

I laughed again and looked over to the opening of the cave to see out.

"It's so pretty." I said leaning against Austin as he put his arm around me.

"It is." I sighed a happy sigh snuggling into him.

" you want to take our relationship to the next step?"

Do ya'll want the dirty or no? Should they or is it to early? I can always just skip the part also

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