Chapter THIRTY

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Austin's POV

"Of course I'll keep you safe Zia! Alex and Robert will to." I whispered hugging her.

"Thanks Austin..." She whispered squeezing me tight then let go.

"Anytime buttercup."

Alex's POV

I stood at the top of the stairs and smiled.

I know I like her but Austin's happy...and she seems happy to.

I want her to get her mind off me and like Austin instead of me.

I'm not good for her I'll end up hurting her.

"Sorry it took so long." I said coming down the stairs after awhile.

"Aw look at you two." I smiled making Zia frown with said eyes but then smile again quickly.

"Can I come over tomorrow?" Austin asked and I nodded.

"Yup, see you at school!"

"See you to! Bye Zi!" Zia waved at him and gave him a smile.

Austin shut the door and I turned to Zia.

"Get over me please? I don't want to hurt you...Austin can treat you way better than I can."

"It's hard Alex..." She whispered.

"I know just don't think about me in that way convince yourself I'm not the one...that's what I'm doing."

"Okay." Zia nodded and walked into the living room me following.

"This is going to be hard she sighed.

"No it won't trust me."

"Lynnen Dyan was reported missing after not seen all day, after she left for work at 9 this morning!"

Lynnen Dylan was kidnaped on the way home from work by Alex Constancio she hated him and didn't want anything to do with him...

"I didn't love him and I told myself I never would...but that's changed...I'm in love with my kidnapper and I can't say I'm not."

There's the description! Tell me what you think?

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