✂️Chapter Twenty-Four✂️

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Zia's POV

"A-Austin stop." He didn't listen he kept kissing my neck lowering himself.

I pushed him off making him fall to the floor.

"Zia? What was that for?!"

"I told you to stop!" I sat up backing up against the wall.

"Can you leave?" I asked pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Zia...what's on your arms?" I looked down to see I'm still in Alex's shirt and shorts.

He can see my cuts!

"Zia!" He croaked.


"Because no one loves me...no one cares for me!"

"Zia that's not true."

"I cut and nobody cares, I'm broken and nobody tries to fix me, I silently cry and nobody bothers to try to hear me." I was crying I couldn't do this.

"Austin just leave please your not making this any better than it is!" He nodded sadly.


"Austin she said leave." I looked up to see Alex standing there with a pained expression.

"Fine, see you later." He got up and walked out the door.

"Zia, I'm sorry about him."

"It's fine I got myself into this."

"No, Austin did he wouldn't leave you alone." 

"But I don't like Austin like that, I barely know him."

"It takes time he just don't have any patience."

"I like someone else." I whispered.

"Who?" He asked nudging me.

Probably trying to make things better.


*sigh* I have a plan with this so that's why it's happening! Ya'll might like the plan ya'll might not. See you guys next update!

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