Chapter Seventy-Five

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Alex's POV

This baby thing is pretty easy.


Changing diapers is harder than it looks, especially when the baby won't stay still.

"Zia! Help me!" I dragged out.

"You can do yourself!" She called.

"No I can not! Help!" I called back.

I heard her groan and she came into the living room.

"What?" She asked.

"Keep her still."

"Alex all you do is this." She took Camryn's binkie and placed it in her mouth as soon as it was placed in her mouth she stilled.

"Really?" I glared.

"Really." She said laughing a little.

"Tell me this before damn girl." I chuckled.

"Language bud." She said going back to the two toddlers.

I placed the clean diaper on her and picked Camryn up.

"Let's lay you back down." I told her placing her in the travel play pin.

She gurgled and kicked her legs making me smile.

"Your such a cutie." She smiled and giggled making me chuckle.

Zia's POV

I watched Alex play with Camryn smiling.

He'll be such a great dad in 9 months.

(Did you know your actually really pregnant 10 months?)

Alex stayed leaned over   Camryn's play pin and stroked her nose gently trying to get her asleep.

This sight is so adorable.

"I can't wait until I'm a dad now..." He whispered.

Thought this was a kinda cute short chapter...ideas in my messages please??

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